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Thank you JY and 7sage

BrandonM9BrandonM9 Alum Member
in General 70 karma

Just got a 151 on the February 2024 LSAT which was my goal and is good enough for the law schools I am applying to. After consuming 67 cans of Redbull original/tropical flavor. Waking up at 6 am and studying till 3 am for 5 months. My LSAT journey has officially come to an end. went from a 136 to a 151 so people out there still studying or taking the april LSAT. I know its going to suck but please dont give up you will get your goal score. From being pestered by parents constantly asking when Im going to apply to dealing with the LSAT, its finally ending. I will pray for all of you and hope you get your goal scores. This is Brandon signing off for the last time.

Thank you JY for everything.


  • JY DiscipleJY Disciple Live Member
    342 karma

    Congrats, Brandon. You did it!!

  • Xavier166Xavier166 Alum Member
    154 karma

    Roger that Brandon- All the best

  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14277 karma

    Woooo congrats! Also, I want a red bull now.

  • JDream2025JDream2025 Live Member
    edited February 2024 1012 karma

    Congrats! Wish you the best in your law school journey!

  • ericapardillo9ericapardillo9 Core Member
    12 karma

    Took it as well, only improved by 2 points. Taking this as motivation for the April test. Thanks, Brandon. See you on the other side!

  • BrandonM9BrandonM9 Alum Member
    70 karma

    @ericapardillo9 said:
    Took it as well, only improved by 2 points. Taking this as motivation for the April test. Thanks, Brandon. See you on the other side!

    you got this!

  • BrandonM9BrandonM9 Alum Member
    70 karma

    @"J.Y. Ping" said:
    Woooo congrats! Also, I want a red bull now.

    couldnt of done it without you. If you are ever on the east coast, ill buy you a 4 pack of red bull, its on me haha.

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