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June or August LSAT

italianstallionitalianstallion Core Member
edited March 2024 in General 16 karma

Hi everyone, I've been faced with a dilemma and I wanted to hear everyones opinions on my situation. I started my LSAT journey on 7Sage back in December while studying as a full-time student and working. I worked through the Logical Reasoning curriculum up to this point and just started working on the Logic Games curriculum. It's now March 18th and I'm wondering if there are enough weeks for me to master the games section in order to take the June LSAT. Also, I realize I'd have to learn the Reading Comprehension curriculum and start drilling and taking prep tests.

Some of my friends took the LSAT this spring (with the logic games) and told me that I should shoot for the June LSAT. Reason being they thought the games were easy to master and got most of them right to improve their scores. I understand my studies will be different from them, but I want to make sure I'm not missing out on a golden opportunity when the games are still available. A better question to ask you all is, how long did it take for you to understand the games?

Furthermore, I plan on applying in the fall by the end of October. If I were to decide to take the August LSAT would I be pushing back my application timeline for most schools? What if I needed to take a couple more LSAT's for the score I want?

Any advice or personal thoughts on this would be really appreciated. Thank you!

Test Date
  1. June LSAT vs. August LSAT86 votes
    1. June LSAT with games
    2. August LSAT with no games


  • hollyrose613hollyrose613 Live Member
    180 karma

    I am in a very very, similar situation, I would also love to hear some feedback on this!

  • cannonshekinah254cannonshekinah254 Core Member
    8 karma

    I am in a similar situation too. I decided that I am going to take it both in June and in August. I think there is enough time to learn LG. I've started the curriculum and am undersetting LG. The key to LG is drilling the same type of games over and over, so you become very familiar with the rules, etc. The reason that I would take it in June is because that's the last time LG is offered, and LG is one of the sections that most students see the most improvement on. October is not late at all in the admissions cycle, it's actually early and most law schools open their application cycles around Sept/Oct. You're considered late in the cycle if you're applying in January.

  • JDream2025JDream2025 Live Member
    1012 karma

    I started at -14 at LG to -4. They’re fun to learn. And so repetitive. Love them and sad to see them go.

  • TampaLincolnLawyerTampaLincolnLawyer Alum Member
    14 karma

    I feel like LR is easier to "learn" than LG. I suspect scores will soar post August so a good pre-August score may be "worth" more. At least that's the logic I'm using as I study.__

  • cdot9000cdot9000 Alum Member
    167 karma

    In the exact same position for the most part, just a bit behind you in the curriculum bc I started later. I plan to take June & August. Also planning a backup for September is August proves to be difficult due to absence of logic games. My thought process is that since we are the first batch to go through this, there may be grace - we are like the guinea pigs. While I have seen that scores are predicted not to change, LSAC can't guarantee that & there is a probability that we see a drop in scores. I am trying to give myself to most opportunities I can for a score that will get me into the schools I want while also applying by the end of October.

  • estherlee0607estherlee0607 Core Member
    5 karma

    I'm on the same boat. I want to take my LSATs ideally before the start of the next academic year so I would like to take it either in June or August. It's just so hard because LG is my strongest section and LR is my weakest one so far :( I'm still going to take the June LSAT because I want to use my skills in LG before it goes away for good. if I am not satisfied with my score, I'll take it again in August.

  • yazfan3yazfan3 Alum Member
    8 karma

    If you're unsure, then take the test in June. You can always try again with the new format in August (or later). But you'll never again have the chance with the current format. Best of luck!

  • elvia.11.gomezelvia.11.gomez Core Member
    3 karma

    I am also in the same boat. My situation is a bit different since I took the Jan. LSAT and did not get the score I was hoping for. I realized I was studying all wrong & finally subscribed to 7 sage in feb. & I am just now making it through the logic curriculum. Maybe I am a little delusional thinking that I can take the June LSAT but I am only working partime & I am not in school so If I dedicate a lot of time to studying I think I can make it out. August is my backup and September is my plan c if everything goes to shit.

    What really makes this decision hard is the registration deadline. I plan on registering for June but the registration deadline is in less than a month and TBH at this point I don't feel ready but I know I still have a lot of time left to study.

    Anyway feel ya there, hard decision but I would still register for June & try your best to master LG and then use August as a back up.

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