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Addenda about sick parent to explain GPA

patelnatasha99patelnatasha99 Free Trial Member

I had a sick parent all through college (diagnosed freshman year) who died in my junior year. I am writing an addendum to explain my 3.46 GPA, how detailed should it be? Should I include every major event that affected my schoolwork or a simple timeline of what I had to deal with? Do I explain how my priority wasn't my schoolwork but to my family for basically my entire time at college? I just want to know the proper way to do this without it sounding like a sob story.


  • 161 karma

    A 3.46GPA is an excellent GPA and you should be very proud of yourself in the hardest time. I am so sorry! Personally speaking, no they don't need to know everything about the GPA. You can say something like, "During my collegiate years, my [parent] was ill and I was their caretaker. Unfortunately, they passed away my Junior year of college. Due to these strenuous times in my life, my GPA was at 3.46 where I strived to get it higher but was unable to do so at the time." Something like that should suffice.

  • patelnatasha99patelnatasha99 Free Trial Member
    7 karma

    So, an addendum doesn't have to be a whole essay and it can be just a few sentences?

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