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should i be doing PTS

emwiki1602emwiki1602 Core Member
edited June 10 in General 43 karma

Should I be doing PTs throughout doing the curriculum or just be doing drills and wait until I have finished all the curriculum and learned the question types before starting to PT. I don't want to be wasting time or resources doing PTs if it doesnt make sense to do them until ive finished the curriculum, or should I still be doing them regardless


  • trevorNYCgoaltrevorNYCgoal Alum Member
    324 karma

    I don’t know where you are at in the curriculum (and how long you’ve been going at studying for the LSAT), but my own experience had me leave PT’s until after I was done with the CC. I think having the core foundations is extremely important prior to jumping into PTs.

    I know 94 PTs seems like a lot (and it certainly is), but those 94 go very quickly when you start to account for those using in the CC, those used for personal drilling, and those you’ll use to study with. I’d focus first on understanding the CC and when you’re ready, jump into PTing.

  • kwyoung707kwyoung707 Alum Member
    73 karma

    I did 85-90% of the curriculum and then started taking practice tests. Currently have done 6 PT's and am only really going back to the LR lessons on the questions I got wrong more often than not. You can check your analytics after the PT's to see what you're good/bad at currently. But yeah, I'd make sure to not spam PT's because they are a finite resource.

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