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Remaining Focused While Studying

KellykelsakKellykelsak Live Member
in General 22 karma

Hi all! I wanted to know if anyone else is struggling to focus while studying. I am finding that the lack of focus is leading to procrastination. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions on how to remedy this. Thank you!!


  • bunnylover11bunnylover11 Core Member
    19 karma

    hey @Kellykelsak !! I used to feel this way in the beginning when I started studying as well. I started setting a timer for my study sessions, such as 45 minutes-1 hour for a topic, and then setting a 10-15 minute break in between after each session. I would make sure to put my phone in a location where I can't easily access it. I would also log out my social media accounts, since they were also making me lose focus. I think exercise has helped a lot and prioritizing being well-rested.

    Hope this helps in some ways!!

  • equallyyokedequallyyoked Live Member
    473 karma

    Yes, I expedite the lack of focus. I will be starting 35 min to study then a 10 min break. The rinse and repeat. I think this should help with test day as well. I will eventually study for 70 min straight then a 10 min break to simulate test day. I think we have 2 sections in a row. Hope this helps you!

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