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Did anyone else find the November LSAT to be extremely hard?

I took the LSAT on November 9th, and literally had a mental breakdown halfway through the RC section. I felt prepared going into the exam, but it was way harder than I thought it would be. Did anyone else have this experience? I'm so scared to get my score back


  • clementinetambunanclementinetambunan Alum Member
    edited November 2024 2 karma

    I thought it was crazy hard, too, but I think it may have been the sheer volume of the work. Looking back at the practice exams, it was the same level of difficulty but, for me, I realized the shift from the diversity of the past exams (containing Logic Games), to working rampantly on the volume of 2 reading comp and 2 LR was more of an endurance issue... Don't be scared of getting the score back. Just remember that it's not too late to take it again in January, especially now that you know what your weaknesses were on test day!

  • TheStoicLSATerTheStoicLSATer Live Member
    edited November 2024 16 karma

    I was constantly PTing in 169-175 range and don't think I got anywhere near that. It could be a first time test taker issue but I found the test way harder than the 80s which people say are the difficult test sections

  • kendallamordetzkykendallamordetzky Core Member
    17 karma

    I totally feel you on this. The RC that I had was crazy. I felt that my "real" LRs weren't too bad but I am pretty torn up and discouraged by the RC I had.

  • hjklsa1738hjklsa1738 Live Member
    18 karma

    Fucking brutal. I PT low 170's and I feel like I didn't even clear 165

  • liluzivertebraeliluzivertebrae Live Member
    20 karma

    RC was insane!

  • cynthiachoueiri15cynthiachoueiri15 Live Member
    9 karma

    RC was hard I guessed on the last question which doesnt normally happen for me. One of the LRs was SO tough, another one okay, and my last one was easy

  • RNthenJD2bRNthenJD2b Live Member
    9 karma

    I'm glad I'm not alone, it was extremely hard. Harder than any PT I've ever taken....
    It was my first time and unfortunately probably not the last....
    We shall see on 11/27 ...
    Best of luck !

  • Anna RoonieAnna Roonie Core Member
    5 karma

    I've been scoring in the high 160s- low 170s range and thought it was really hard too. Especially the first LR section and the RC section. The other two LR sections were okay in my opinion. My Proproctor also kept crashing so I had to re log in 3 times during the exam and do the whole security scan again. Took an extra 2 hours and 3 mental breakdowns.

  • n.amy19heartn.amy19heart Live Member
    13 karma

    no it was actually so much worse than the practice tests. especially the RC section.

  • neil.leupoldneil.leupold Live Member
    edited November 2024 8 karma

    The very first section for the November LSAT, an LR section, was discernibly more difficult than any other part of the test. I consciously noticed this, in retrospect, while making my way through the remaining three sections. I strongly suspect that the initial section was the unscored experimental one, and the remaining three sections were the scored part of the test.

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