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more level 3 than level 4 & 5 wrong Live Member
in General 9 karma

Basically what the title says. In certain question types (like SA), I find that I get level 4s and 5s correct, but often get level 3s wrong. Any suggestions as to why this is happening? What can I do to remedy this more clearly?


  • willpjenwillpjen Core Member
    7 karma

    I feel like this is a sample size issue. Or you are over-thinking. Idk

  • ferdilyalbanoferdilyalbano Core Member
    edited January 1 4 karma

    I have this too but with other question types - overthinking for sure. If it's SA questions, I'd recommend viewing SA as a question having to do with building blocks. That's what my tutor told me and it helped a lot! It switched my focus from picking apart the answers to making the argument cohesive as a whole.

  • gianna.barile1127gianna.barile1127 Core Member
    26 karma

    You are treating the questions as more complex than they actually are, I agree with the others who said overthinking

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