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more level 3 than level 4 & 5 wrong Live Member
in General 9 karma

Basically what the title says. In certain question types (like SA), I find that I get level 4s and 5s correct, but often get level 3s wrong. Any suggestions as to why this is happening? What can I do to remedy this more clearly?


  • willpjenwillpjen Core Member
    26 karma

    I feel like this is a sample size issue. Or you are over-thinking. Idk

  • ferdilyalbanoferdilyalbano Live Member
    edited January 1 10 karma

    I have this too but with other question types - overthinking for sure. If it's SA questions, I'd recommend viewing SA as a question having to do with building blocks. That's what my tutor told me and it helped a lot! It switched my focus from picking apart the answers to making the argument cohesive as a whole.

  • gianna.barile1127gianna.barile1127 Core Member
    36 karma

    You are treating the questions as more complex than they actually are, I agree with the others who said overthinking

  • katenicolekatenicole Core Member
    17 karma

    The levels indicate how many people got them wrong (i.e. the more people who got them wrong, the harder the level). I don't think it's necessarily an objective assessment of difficulty. So, I think this just means you personally find these questions more difficult and don't struggle as much with the questions other test takers typically find hard. Is there a common denominator among these questions you're getting wrong other than the fact that they're level 3?

  • natemanwell1natemanwell1 Core Member
    279 karma

    probably luck for a lot of those 4 and 5's.

  • edited January 16 329 karma

    Like many of the comments said, a mixture of overthinking and luck. Even when you get 4's and 5's right, review ANY part of the question that you feel unsure about. It's completely possible that you lucked out (especially if you were 50-50 between ACs). It may be that there's a weakness in your understanding that is highlighted by easier but not harder questions.

    It's also possible that you're used to the difficulty of the harder questions and overthink little things on 3's. Make sure you're consistently applying the same standard across all ACs for 3's (ex: being too lenient on possible assumptions on the (unknowingly) wrong AC and being too harsh on the (unknowingly) right AC.

    Good luck!

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