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Hi everyone, I could use some help figuring out how to best manage my resources!
So, I've gone through the 7Sage Fundamentals and Logic Reasoning sections. Currently, I'm going through the 7Sage reading section. On the side, I'm doing the PowerScore Logic Reasoning Bible so I don't forget any of the fundamentals from 7Sage. I've taken a diagnostic already a few months ago but haven't taken another one yet.
Can anyone help me figure out what are my next steps/how to maximize the practice tests? I want to be able to drill but not use any from tests that I'll ultimately use later for PTing. If it helps you help me, I'm looking to take the test sometime in late spring/summer next year.
Thanks in advance!!
got to start taking more tests asap.
whatever you have learn, you need to apply. you can start timed drilling by question type. aim for 70% accuracy, give your most time to accuracy, if you will aim to master time right now, you will waste time, at least that's what happened to me. And take a timed PT once a week to see how is your accuracy looking like.