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Highest PT score ever

odebs2797odebs2797 Alum Member
edited August 2015 in General 136 karma
Just thought I'd share some great news. Took preptest 38 yesterday and scored 166 and a 170 after BR, which is my highest score ever with 7sage or PS. I barely broke 160 with PS and I scored a 165 on 7sage on Preptest 36. Not that I had doubts, but this really just reinforces my love for 7sage and their techniques. For anyone having trouble or stressing out, just know that you will get better as long as you put in some effort. Just for reference, I scored a 156 on the June LSAT using PS after having studied for 3 months. I work full-time and was concussed in April playing hockey so the concussion symptoms and post-concussion symptoms made it tough to focus (which I didn't realize until just recently, I guess I now know what to sat to schools when I explain my one LSAT is higher, hopefully, than the other). Again, the reason I am sharing is just to encourage others, even if you have a lot of obstacles, a job, injury, etc., you can still score well, just work hard. Good luck!


  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @odebs2797 said:
    (which I didn't realize until just recently, I guess I now know what to sat to schools when I explain my one LSAT is higher, hopefully, than the other)
    You might be eligible for extra time/accommodations on the upcoming LSAT administration! If I were you, I'd start looking into this right away. How cool would that be, if it worked out?

    Oh, and, congrats :) Hugs and mugs all around!
  • KbrizzleKbrizzle Member
    edited August 2015 22 karma
    Thanks so much for the encouragement! I need it (and often, to be honest)! Also congrats!
  • odebs2797odebs2797 Alum Member
    136 karma
    @nicole.hopkins Thanks for the kind words! Do you know specifically what might apply to my situation, like what I could qualify for? Maybe a link or something if you have one?

    Thanks again!
  • NYC12345NYC12345 Alum Inactive Sage
    1654 karma
    It is extremely difficult to get extra time on the exam. Also, the deadline to apply for accommodations for the October exam is on the 28th, which does not give you much time to have neuropsychological testing done and get a comprehensive report sent from the psychologist. It usually takes at least a week or two. PM me for more details.
  • odebs2797odebs2797 Alum Member
    136 karma
    @alexandergreene93 thanks for the info. i looked into it yesterday and it is a ton of work to get the accommodation and with me only having 5 days it would be impossible. i think i could have def used it on the last exam, but this one I think knowing I have post concussions symptoms on and off makes it easier to manage them. Thanks!
  • NYC12345NYC12345 Alum Inactive Sage
    1654 karma
    Just so you are aware: once you take the LSAT and score above a 150 (or 153), LSAC will automatically deny your request because you scored in the average range. I completely misread your post and I just realized that you took the June administration and scored a 156.
  • odebs2797odebs2797 Alum Member
    136 karma
    Well there you go. It's a moot point now anyway. Thanks again
  • NYC12345NYC12345 Alum Inactive Sage
    1654 karma
    No problem. Congratulations on the score improvement. Keep up the good work!
  • Ron SwansonRon Swanson Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    1650 karma
    Congrats on the score improvement. I can reinforce your sentiments- consistently scored ~157 after Powerscore but now at 164 after 7sage.

    Confidence is the key for this test. I think a huge strength of 7sage is that it shows students that the test can be conquered. Answers are correct/incorrect for specific reasons and once you recognize why, there's nowhere to go but up
  • lpadr009lpadr009 Free Trial Member
    379 karma
    Yesterday I did 53 and got a 159! Woot. Tomorrow im doing 54...let's see if I learned from my mistakes... :o
  • odebs2797odebs2797 Alum Member
    136 karma
    I took Preptest 40 yesterday and for the first time ever I scored a 170!! Only 10 wrong! Couldn't believe it! Hopefully I can keep my average score around that and eliminate the sub 165 scores.
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