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PSA SA NA Flaw Help

odebs2797odebs2797 Alum Member
in General 136 karma
So based on 9 LSATs so far with 7sage, these 4 categories are my worst. I am averaging a 164 (low of 162 and high of 170), but this could definitely be higher if I could master these problem types. PSA and flaw aren't too bad to understand theoretically and I am usually down to 2 answers and pick the wrong one. With NA and SA though, sometimes I can't even eliminate any answer choices and sometimes the answer is as clear as day, but usually I get these wrong. Just wondering if anyone has any tips that haven't already been mentioned in the curriculum about how to conquer these 4 question types? A potential 165+ or even 170 could be within reach if I could nail these down. Thanks a lot!


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    If you just think of the gaps in the argument as flaws, then as you improve your flaw work, it will pay dividends in these other types as they are all on a spectrum together. If you haven't picked up a copy of the Trainer I would highly recommend doing so as the flaw stuff is worth the price alone.

    Also, 9 LSATs is nothing so don't worry too much about that. Just get your flaws above 90-95% and it will help you across the board.
  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    @Pacifico said:
    If you just think of the gaps in the argument as flaws
    This is exactly what I do when approaching these questions types. I always ask myself what the argument has assumed or failed to consider, and try to fix it based on that flaw. Both J.Y's technique and the approach advocated by Mike Kim in the Trainer have worked tremendously for me.
  • odebs2797odebs2797 Alum Member
    136 karma
    @Pacifico @Matt1234567 I am taking the LSAT in October (I took it in June and did probably 30+ PTs as prep along with PS Bibles, but only 9 with 7sage's curriculum thus far), do you think the trainer will have one month's worth of material for me to review specifically related to assumptions and flaws?
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    You can get through the Trainer in a week or less, it really flies by. And the stuff you will want to read in regards to your problem areas you can get through in a day.
  • odebs2797odebs2797 Alum Member
    136 karma
    @Pacifico Thanks a lot, I ordered it yesterday and will get it Thursday. Hopefully this can get me over the gigantic, filthy assumption hump. :)
  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    @odebs2797 said:
    filthy assumption hump
    ass-hump-tion lol
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