Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). kind of lost!!! - 7Sage Forum

kind of lost!!!

badgalriribadgalriri Alum Member
in General 316 karma
so basically I've been studying since May, but I made a mistake and was practicing with really old tests. So until last week, I was getting around 168-169 and a couple 170+ .....but then recently (right after the September 11 deadline to change test date) I tried the recent tests and my scores have dropped by a lot erratically. I know it's my fault - I was dumb and was practicing with ancient tests so I know what I did wrong there, but I wanted some advice on moving forward

I have to take the October test now but I'll cancel my score (which sucks), but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong??? I feel like I forgot everything I've learned, and I still haven't established "habits" on any of the sections. Every time I get good at a section type, I feel like I forgot everything in the other sections!!! I don't know how to explain this but I just feel stupid

How do you guys organize your weeks with PTing and reviewing content? I've been PTing and BRing 3 times a week, but I still haven't established habits that come naturally. Under the time pressure, I always forget to do VERY important things, like identify the conclusion or find the flaw before moving on to answer choices! Especially with the recent tests, I go back to being a beginner when timing myself


  • Ron SwansonRon Swanson Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    1650 karma
    I don't think you should assume you're going to do poorly and that you must cancel the scores. Take a deep breath. Yes, the later PTs are somewhat different than older tests but the fundamentals are the same.

    You still have about two weeks left, and your scores on older tests aren't bad at all. Familiarize yourself with the nuances of the new tests and adjust your strategies accordingly.

    It sounds to me like you're psyching yourself out. Stay confident, focused, and crush it in October.

    Good luck
  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    I think right now you're stressing. For no reason. Just because you've moved into more recent tests does not mean you've magically lost the skill set that you've built up and established.
    I would see how the October exam goes. I don't know where you live or what kind of system your Unis have, but I think most often they take the highest score. So, worst case scenario is what? You write in October, keep your score, and push on to December if it didn't work out like you hoped.
    Then, too, you have *game day experience*.

    But. I wouldn't just assume you'll do horribly!
  • 35 karma
    How old are we talking? Before Preptest 35?
  • allergicallergic Alum Member Inactive Sage
    246 karma
    I wouldn't recommend canceling your score. I think you should wait until the last day you can can cancel your registration for the test and if you're certain that you won't get the score you want you should cancel your registration. If you think you might be able to get a score you'd be happy with you should take it and not cancel your score. If you take it and cancel your score, you're just wasting one of your takes.

    I think you'll be able to adjust to the newer tests in time. They're not that different from the older ones. What score are you aiming for?
  • badgalriribadgalriri Alum Member
    316 karma
    You guys are all so encouraging - I feel more positive now and I'm trying to analyze my recent tests and get used to it rather than giving up. Someone told me that t14 schools average LSAT scores together though, so that kind of worries me, because if I get below a 165 then it'll bring my "Average" score down.

    @allergic I was just aiming for a 170, but not sure that's possible now. however, I'll see how the next few PTs go and then decide in 2 weeks if I want to cancel my score. I'll definitely sit through the exam though, because I won't get my money back anyways.

    thanks for the encouragement you guys!
  • allergicallergic Alum Member Inactive Sage
    246 karma
    @badgalriri A 170 is possible, but I wouldn't count on it, even if you hadn't had the recent drop. It sounds like you were averaging below 170 before, and I wouldn't expect to score above your average on test day. Most people drop a bit on test day. But you could still improve before then, so don't give up!

    The generally accepted wisdom is that only Yale cares about multiple scores and everyone else just takes your highest score. That's why most people don't recommend canceling, even if you think you did poorly.
  • NYC12345NYC12345 Alum Inactive Sage
    1654 karma
    The word on the blacktop is that Harvard frowns upon multiple takes as well. It's all speculation. Who knows?!
  • allergicallergic Alum Member Inactive Sage
    246 karma
    @alexandergreene93 From Harvard's website: "If you take the test more than once, all scores will be received but we will use the highest score in our evaluation."
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