Hello All!
Quick question for those who know:
How in the world do you Blind Review reading comprehension??
1. I do the memory method, however at this point, i am taking practice tests, and i have no clue on how to Blind Review, or Review in general, the reading comprehension section
2. If anyone can, PLEASE give me some detailed insight.
-After taking your PT and Blind Reviewing the LR section (and of course, doing the fool-proof method on Logic Games that you did not breeze right through), how do you Review/Blind Review the RC passages? How do you better yourself? How can you increase the amount of control you have over the passage?
-After taking your PT and Reviewing/Blind Reviewing all other sections, (and of course, putting the memory method ASIDE, since its physically impossible to do the memory method after you've already taken the PT), how can you increase the level of comprehension you have within the passage? I.E. - some passages i am able to completely master after reading them untimed, and for others i will literally sit there for a good 20-30 minutes still saying "DFJDHVDKJFDNFFDFFD??????"
THANKS ALL!! and for everyone else taking the 10/3 LSAT, GOOD LUCK!