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Gym Life and LSAT

rdelamatrdelamat Member
in General 47 karma
For people with very tiring workouts, what works for you? I really used to love working out in the morning, but then it's like I've used up a ton of my energy so focusing becomes a bit challenging. Also curious about thoughts on working out the day before a PT.


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    I've worked out immediately before a PT, I've done it day prior, two days prior, later on same day, pretty much any variation you can think of. I think it all depends on what the workout is, and how it affects you. I think a bad case of DOMS a day or two removed can be worse than taking a PT right after a workout, but again it's all about what you're doing and what body parts you're hitting. Play around with it a little and you'll get a good feel. I ended up working out around 8 or 9 am and then PTing starting between 11 and noon and was generally fine. Also need to be cognizant of how sleep affects your workout/PT relationship. The worst PTs for me were ones I did right after a workout that I was yawning throughout. Other times if I had enough rest then the workout was just invigorating.
  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    I compete in body building competitions (bikini), so working out intensively for 6-7 days a week is a reality for me. I find my routine works well for me and I think it's all about establishing a routine that you can follow and that works.
    I usually wake up quite early, workout, head to work, study a bit before work, study on my lunch break and then head home to study. I have found that now that my schedule has been like that for so long, when I deviate and sleep in, it takes me a REALLY long time to wake up.
    In terms of writing a PT, I found that when I didn't go to the gym beforehand (going against my routine) it took me infinitely longer to answer questions and to have things "click". Which is compared to when I would go to the gym early (following my routine) and PTing was better for me. I was awake and alert.

    In terms of the October exam, I did exactly that. Woke up at 4:30 AM, went to the gym, crushed a workout, came home, ate, did some example questions, and headed to the exam.

    I don't know... but I don't necessarily look at it as using up all my energy right off of the bat. Food gives you energy throughout the day, so that shouldn't be a problem. Especially if you get a good nights sleep as well!
    edited October 2015 248 karma
    Well I broke my wrist right before I studied for the LSAT so I basically have been squatting only. I usually squat and do some light upperbody after my study for stress relief, although I am going to start going to the gym before my practice tests bc I think the euphoric feeling will help things 'click' when I write my practice exams. P.S... went from a 5 plate Deadlift/3plate bench to not being able to lift anything over 10 pounds with my hand. The depression is real IRL after loosing 15 pounds LOL. Anyway, I'd try experimenting with going before study as long as you SLEPT WELL!
  • poohbearpoohbear Alum Member
    496 karma
    I used to work out late at night (after 10PM) and found that it really messed with my sleep schedule-- I had way too much energy and couldn't fall asleep til pretty late. SoI followed a pretty routine schedule over the summer with waking up, heading to the gym (I mostly lift and then throw in a little cardio), then studying/running errands, and repeat. I actually felt more awake, energetic and definitely more focused after I worked out. It made me feel like I had a productive start to my day and I only wanted to continue that throughout my day.

    I went away on vacation for two weeks and I've been back for a month and it completely threw off my routine for the entire month of September-- I was sleeping irregularly, not hitting the gym and have been having a horrible appetite-- and I think this definitely took a toll on my productivity and studying. I postponed from Oct to Dec so I'm definitely trying to get back into a routine again.

    Hopefully you'll find something that works for you!
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