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Mapping Out Logic In Stimulus (TIME)

Martin01Martin01 Member
in General 343 karma
Mapping Out Logic In Stimulus

It is taking me too long to map out logic presented in the stimulus. This is very important for MBT, MBF, Principle, Parallel and SA, etc.

Can someone please guide me to where I can practice doing this because I have not seen any quizzes that has long English passages that need to be mapped out into logic.

I need to practice this immediately!!!!!


  • diana1493diana1493 Alum Member
    78 karma
    Do you have access to the course content? I seem to remember some logic diagramming drills. But I would just recommend drilling those question types if they are giving you a hard time. I will also note that ideally you should get to a place where you are doing most logic diagramming in your head, for LR and not LG of course. I do very little diagramming in LR, and of course everyone is different but I think true mastery of logic will mean you can internalize the logic. But drilling those question types will be your best method, especially ones like Parallel reasoning that tend to have lots of conditional relationships.
  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    Sent you a PM on this. Take a deep breath. You're going to work through this.
  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    @"GSU Hopeful" ??? They should call you GSU Helpful !! :-)
  • badgalriribadgalriri Alum Member
    edited October 2015 316 karma
    @"GSU Hopeful" could I get some help on this too!
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    You really want to get to a place where your skills are developed to the point where if you are mapping out 5 questions per section that is too many. 2-3 at most per section is what you want to shoot for, especially as the LSAT continues to move away from conditional logic as was the case on October's exam.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @Martin01 said:
    Can someone please guide me to where I can practice doing this because I have not seen any quizzes that has long English passages that need to be mapped out into logic.
    Simple answer.

    Don't rely on diagramming to answer as many Q's.

    As Pac said ... 2-3 AT MOST. I mean, maximum.
  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    @nye8870 Haha. I appreciate it. I don't know how much I help, but I try!
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