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Preparing for hybrid games

badgalriribadgalriri Alum Member
in Logic Games 316 karma
Soooo I just took the PT with the dinosaur game and it's freaking me out because I'm worried I'll face something this crazy on the real thing. Do you guys have any advice on preparing for hybrids?


  • Sheri123Sheri123 Alum Member
    1196 karma
    Hi badgalriri, I just did that one too recently. I found that remaining flexible and open when games like that pop up helps me to remain calm and able to better adjust to the changing conditions of the game. I just try to always set the game up in a way that will logically present the information as clearly and as organized as possible. On this game I set it up as a modified two space per dinosaur in/out (5 in & 2 out) game, making sure the place the definitive pieces in place and considering the inferences before attempting to solve and I think for this one I just built out the setup individually for each question. In other words if I'm remembering correctly I didn't try to pre-solve for every possible scenario. I ended up missing #16 which turned out to be the only one I missed for the LG section during the PT, but after I did my BR I could see where I messed up on it. I hope this helps, I'm sure there are others that can weigh in on things that work for them.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @badgalriri said:
    Do you guys have any advice on preparing for hybrids?
    Practice! Use @Pacifico 's attack strategy :)
  • badgalriribadgalriri Alum Member
    316 karma
    @Sheri123 @nicole.hopkins thank you for the help! Just BRed and it's pretty simple. You both are right - I panicked, missed a rule, so I must have a weakness to cover!!
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