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I'm new here!

hazelnut13hazelnut13 Alum Member
edited November 2015 in General 244 karma
Hey guys!

I just recently joined 7sage. I was originally planning on applying this cycle, but after taking the LSAT in October and getting a low score, I decided to take the December test. Well, December is here and guess what? I'm not ready! So I decided to postpone my applications for a year and focus on the LSAT. I'm planning on taking the June LSAT and applying for the Fall 2017 cycle. Anyone on the same boat? I need to kick up my prep a notch and I thought joining a community like 7sage would be helpful. You all seem very nice and welcoming! It seems like people enjoy the BR Groups (I'm still trying to learn the lingo around here.. lol).

A little about me:
Graduated from USC this past May, 22 years old and working at a Labor and Employment Law firm in Downtown LA.
I'm a URM and I'm the first to graduate college and apply to law school, so this is all new to me.

Some difficulties I've been having on the LSAT recently:
Well, I seem to be able to hyper-focus on sections and improve my score notably, but my other sections fall behind. I just can't seem to hold my best scores for all sections at the same time!

Some materials I've used:
LSAT Trainer
Logical Reasoning Bible
Blueprint LSAT Prep (Full in-class course)
Blueprint to Logic Games

Do you guys have any words of wisdom? I hope to get to know all of you guys throughout this journey!! Feel free to reach out!


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