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LR help

rmshirk22rmshirk22 Alum Member
in General 80 karma
On most of my prep tests I've been getting nearly perfect LG scores, over average RC, but I continuously do pretty bad on LR. I usually get -10 to -12 and it's breaking down my confidence considering how well I do on the other sections. How can I improve on LR? I'm trying to go back over the sections I do worse on (SA and flaw), but it's not really helping.


  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    @rmshirk22 What are your current plans regarding test date? Have you been through the entire curriculum here? Trainer? How long have you been studying and what materials have you been using?
  • rmshirk22rmshirk22 Alum Member
    80 karma
    @"GSU Hopeful" I've been studying since may and most likely will take the test in June. I've only used the 7sage prep course. Is there other material out there that can help me boost my LR score?
  • kennedybjkennedybj Alum Member
    697 karma
    Have you tried any of the 7sage tutors??
  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    2573 karma
    @rmshirk22 like @"GSU Hopeful" ssid above, get The LSAT Trainer. It's about $50. It will be $50 well spent. Just search the forum for mentions of the book. I would've bought the book just for the Flaw section. Lots of people use it with 7 Sage. I needed another perspective on certain things so I gave it a try. I benefited from the RC sections as well. My best RC is now -4 before it was around -12! Are you doing BR? On tough questions I like to do an "open book" BR with the Trainer.
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