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Study advice for Feb retake?

nikdim67nikdim67 Member
in General 51 karma
I took the Dec LSAT, now studying to retake for Feb.

To prep for Dec I purchased the premium package and took ~35 PT's with thorough BR (some PT's in the 40's and 50's and all 60-70's), scoring between 164-170.

I only have 1 fresh PT (PT 76) that is in the 60's and 70's, which I am saving for the week before the test. I have read that it is most important to PT with the more recent tests. Since I began studying for the Feb test, I have retaken about 4 PT's in the late 60's and early 70's and got excellent scores (obviously inflated).. but I am recalling a lot of the questions from taking them previously... so I don't think it is benefiting me as much as it should.

Should I start taking PT's I haven't done even though they are very early (PT 30 - 40?) Does anyone have specific recommendations for studying for a retake?


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    You're about three weeks out so there isn't much room for improvement in this short a span of time unless you suck at LG. I would do 2-4 PTs per week and make half of them retakes of tests in the 70s and the rest I would use PTs from the 50s. Spend a lot of time in your BR to really get all the meat off the bone in terms of your understanding of what is going on, especially for LR. If that is too much I would pull back before you burn out or all will be for naught.
  • ampalacios329ampalacios329 Member
    34 karma
    @Pacifico, why do you recommend PTs from the 70s and 50s, instead of the 70s and 60s? Thanks so much!
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    @nikdim67 said they used up 60+ so I suggest the 50s for fresh tests and 70s for the retakes since those are the most recent and applicable to the current dynamics, not to mention the fact that the timeline is pretty tight so they would never use up the 70s again.
  • ampalacios329ampalacios329 Member
    34 karma
    @Pacifico Thanks so much!
  • nikdim67nikdim67 Member
    51 karma
    @Pacifico Thanks for the advice!
  • lsatingslsatings Alum Member
    349 karma
    I think the quickest possible improvement you could make at this point is trying to get a higher score in LG and maybe even RC. I find, at least from personal experience, that the slowest improvement comes from LR. Don't forget to review all sections though, so that it stays fresh in your mind. Maybe also reviewing general basics would be good too -- I know when I started PT a few months later I realized I needed to review, so thats a general guideline I go by: always go back to the basics.
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