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Which PTs to Use to Improve LG?

Student...Student... Member
in General 298 karma
I'm almost done with the curriculum (skipped many problems sets on purpose). I have pretty good accuracy and speed with LR. But I have trouble with LG. I can always make all the right inferences, but it takes me way too much time to complete the entire game. This is quite consistent with my first diagnostic test (75% right on LR and only 40% on LG). I want to improve my LG with the Fool Proof method before I start PTing. I bought almost all PTs. Many people on the 7Sage forum mentioned that PTs have changed quite a bit over the years. I'm wondering if I should start with PT1 or a more recent PT to specifically focus on improving my LG? Thank you guys very much!!


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    1-35 for LG and then 36+ for full PTs if you have time to do all of them. Otherwise just shift that dynamic to the right to meet your needs.
  • Student...Student... Member
    298 karma
    @Pacifico Thank you for being so responsive. Would you recommend me to read the LG bible from PowerScore too? So far I've only used 7Sage and real PTs to learn and practice LG.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    The only resource j would recommend besides 7Sage is the LSAT Trainer by Mike Kim. It dovetails nicely with the curriculum here and you can get it for ~$50 or less on Amazon I believe.
  • Student...Student... Member
    298 karma
    @Pacifico Thank you!!
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