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crazyloedcrazyloed Alum Member
in General 105 karma
I studied hard for the October 2015 LSAT . I think I studied around 6 months but only managed to pull off a 154. I took November and December off from studying and started 7sage in January 2016. I felt like I had burnt out studying for the October exam because thats all I would do is study everyday for long hours (I am not enrolled in school and do not have a job). This time around I decided to do more of a less stress-intensive approach (I'm focusing on 3 effective hours per day). I just finished the course from 7sage and now I will be doing full LSATs and reviewing them thoroughly. Do you guys think I will be able to break 160 by June from doing LSAT prep-tests 35-75? I am focusing on 2 pre-tests per week. Also has anyone else had a similar experience to my struggle with this exam?


  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    @crazydeol said:
    Do you guys think I will be able to break 160 by June from doing LSAT prep-tests 35-75?
    It doesn't matter what we think, it only matters what you think. By asking if you can break 160, you seem to have doubt that you will get there. If you go in with this doubt, you will most likely underperform. Have confidence in yourself that you will get it done come June and stop at nothing less to get there... regardless of what it takes.

    Regarding your question, what was your section breakdown from your previous two attempts. Without knowing anything further, I think you have enough time to add 6 points in that time span.
  • Artwork94Artwork94 Free Trial Member
    edited February 2016 140 karma
    sounds like me, i studied for around 7 months, took it two times and best score is 154, Im really upset tbh....After consistently Pting 160-163 Feb is my last try....All u can assure is that u gave it ur best. Even if I don't break 160 this time, I will know that I put 100% in so I can't be too upset with myself. So I think it is possible, but it will take hard work!
  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma
    I think you're is good and the most important thing in my opinion is to focus on the review aspect.

    If you don't already keep a log of the questions you miss do that now and incorporate that into your weekly test review. If not, start now. There's a great template at the LSAT trainer site.

    I can't remember where I heard this tip, but someone shared they would cut out the problem that gave them issues and pasted them into a journal and they'd write why the wrong answers were wrong for each one and then review it every few weeks.

    Im actually taking this a step further and making a test section out of these difficult questions to really help me master the problems.

    Good luck studying for June, that's when I'm taking too.
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