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REAL quick question lovely people!

amipp_93amipp_93 Alum Member
in General 585 karma
What condition indicator is ONLY IF?!?!?


  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    1489 karma
  • Ron SwansonRon Swanson Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    1650 karma
    The only version of "only" that is a sufficient condition is "The only".

    That's how I remember it, hope it makes sense!
  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    2086 karma
    @"Ron Swanson" That's how I remember it! "The only is the only only that is sufficient."
  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma
    @"Ron Swanson" said:
    The only version of "only" that is a sufficient condition is "The only".
    Oh great tip! I sometimes catch myself going to fast and then stumble over "only" variations.
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