Congratulations to everyone who took the June 2014 LSAT! I sincerely hope that you all get the scores you want.
I, on the other hand, opened my email a few minutes ago and was disappointed to see that my score was far below the PT average I had during the last few weeks of studying, which means I'll be retaking in September. Unfortunately, I only have 7 untouched practice tests left so I'm unsure of what it will look like to study for a retake. Does anyone have any experience with this or plan to do this for September? Just not sure when/how to start studying again so any advice is appreciated!
What I would recommend (and what has helped me*) is buy a couple of the Powerscore books ONLY for the practice questions in the sections you don't excel at. They don't explain concepts as well as JY, so I've only been answering the sample LSAT questions they include while skipping their other confusing mumbo-jumbo.
Have you bought any of the (many) LSAC PrepTest books? Those are awesome and that way you'd have more than just seven tests left. You could either take one/two each week or break some tests up and practice the sections separately. (One day/week: LR, the next, Games, and so on.)
Hope any of that helps and don't give up! Take a few days off to decompress and get a feel for where you didn't do so well at, and then come back again after the holiday ready to kick that LSAT's a$$
*I haven't taken the LSAT yet, meaning ^that^ is what I've been doing to prep for my first time (also in Sep!).