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jowens7317jowens7317 Alum Member
in General 244 karma
Tomorrow morning is the big day for a lot of you guys out there! I plan on taking the September 24 LSAT and was curious to know about the thought processes going through your mind on the day before such as your plans for tonight, tomorrow morning before the exam and if their is anything you're really glad you did or anything you regret about your studying leading up to the exam. Thanks for reading!


  • 10 karma
    I'm taking it tomorrow - just relaxing right now really and reviewing the requirements for sitting the test, how to get to the test centre, prepping my materials/bag/clothing for tomorrow (to get it out of the way). I'll sleep 8+ hours tonight, going to bed early, and wake up and have a nice greasy breakfast at McDonalds. Then I will head home, make sure I have everything, leave to go to the test centre, arrive there early for lunch and to check in, while listening to chill music the entire way there! All in all, I'm not stressing or reviewing anything specific relating to the LSAT - what's been learned to this point is what I have to go with and I'm going to stay very positive!
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