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Examples of challenging relative ordering

pi34pi34 Free Trial Member
in General 20 karma
Anyone know of any games that are challenging relative ordering? I have a packet with several relative ordering games [that I generally consider easy but sometimes prone to really silly errors], but I recently read some of the Manhattan LSAT book and they did PT51S4G2 which is substantially harder than others I have seen. In the end, I got it all right, but I'm trying to reinforce the chapter now.


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    I would recommend going into the LG section of the 7Sage app and then find any sequencing with conditional rules or sequencing with a twist games. Those tend to be the more difficult versions of the basic sequencing games.
  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    2086 karma
    Like @Pacifico said, focus on the "with a twist" games or the ones with tons of conditional rules. You can also try the sequencing/grouping games.
  • pi34pi34 Free Trial Member
    20 karma
    I appreciate it! Thanks! JY Actually PM'd me [or made a sidebar pop up] and told me about that! Definitely a good way to go about it.
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