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Ready to give up

miguel6zavalamiguel6zavala Alum Member
edited August 2014 in General 71 karma
I am simply not improving in logical reasoning. It just does not click. I am really frustrated and want to give up. With reading comp I can usually get all of them right and I can complete 3-4 logic games, but I always bomb the logical reasoning section. I feel as if I am missing something. Am I just meant to never do well on those. I don't think I want to take the September test.


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Free Trial
    310 karma
    you're a URM. don't waste it. Sign up for a 7sage course and they'll help you to improve.
  • miguel6zavalamiguel6zavala Alum Member
    71 karma
    Thanks ttunden.
  • lsathopefullsathopeful Alum Member
    edited August 2014 268 karma
    Keep in mind that half the battle in LR is being able to identify the premise and conclusion (if there is one - some question types will not have both.) If you are able to go into LR questions with a clear understanding of what the premise(s) and conclusion are, you are at a much better place to get the answer correct.

    Try doing drills where you only identify the premise and conclusion.

    (This is what I've gotten out of my studying, I may be wrong, but it's worked for me and is mentioned in The Trainer, which is recommended by 7sagers and the 7sage team itself.)

    Don't give up.
  • BilkaDaDaBilkaDaDa Alum Member
    edited August 2014 32 karma
    When I started studying 6 months ago - my worst section was LR (it still is) and I was consistently getting 10+ wrong on each section. I am now in the -3 to -6 range.

    Not quite there yet, but getting there.

    It takes time and a lot of effort - A LOT. Your account seems to be pretty new, stick with it and put everything you can into this - your scores WILL improve.
  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    Hey, don't give up. I was on the same boat as you, and even though I'm still pretty bad at logical reasoning, I have seen tremendous improvements from before, especially in the last month since I've signed up for 7 Sage courses. The course really helps you to break down each and every single argument to its core and you can watch every single video as many times as you'd like to get a better grasp of the techniques required for every question.
  • miguel6zavalamiguel6zavala Alum Member
    71 karma
    Thank you all! I was feeling down earlier, but I will keep going!
  • chrijani7chrijani7 Alum Member
    827 karma
    Hey, definitely don't give up! We all have our days that make us question whether this is all worth it. But, I think it is important for you to identify which questions give you the most trouble and try to focus on improving those. Do them untimed and really try to figure out how to solve each question properly. What I find is that when we are doing timed review, whether it be a full test or just timed drills, we tend to get into a "rush" type state that causes us to skip steps and try to cut corners. And while this may be alright during the real test, to narrow in on an answer choice quickly if we "know" it is correct, it does not help us understand. So the point is that if you are not doing as well as you'd like, then SLOW down and really focus on the specific question types. Then move into to timed/BR methods of drills, then move onto full sections. It is a process, there is no easy way of getting around the tedious and hard work that is required to improve your score.

    Some other tips from my own personal experience with the test is that it is important not to psyche yourself out. By this I mean, do not make questions harder than they need to be. When I first began studying, specifically for LR, I had a tendency to believe that once you get into questions that are in the teens, that those are the harder ones. While this may be true, it always messed with my mind when I got to those questions because I knew they were harder and would sometimes overlook an obvious answer choice, telling myself "there's no way that it could be that one, its to easy to see, so that's the trap!".

    Furthermore, remember that the test is STANDARDIZED, as it can sometimes help you choose a correct response. For instance, sometimes in the flaw section I can eliminate answer choices because I know the typical flaws, one being circular reasoning, so if I see that in the AC and I know its not the flaw I can get rid of that choice. Doing this sometimes allows me to eliminate four wrong answer choices, and I may not know for certain that the remaining choice is correct (may have been worded in a weird way), I can have confidence that the other standard 4 AC's are wrong. I think it is important not to take this or any other advice as a 100% method, as sometimes the test does throw curveballs. But in some cases, I found across all LR that the test really does use the same types of correct and incorrect choices. Putting strong language for instance, sometimes allows me to eliminate choices, but it does not ALWAYS allow me to eliminate choices.

    The main point is to remember that this is a standardized test. So there are patterns that you can identify which can aid you in fighting your way through a section. While the LSAT is obviously a VERY important test, you have to try your very best to remember that it is just a test, don't overhype it and psyche yourself out. Finally, something that for the LSAT has helped overall, is try to have fun with it. I know sometimes it can be hard to think of it as fun, but I just tell myself this is all practice to enable me to be a better lawyer. And I know people may say that whatever the LSAT test doesn't apply to law school or help you afterwards. I say, whatever! I don't even care if it does or does not, I just tell myself that anyways to make myself feel better. It does me no harm, as I don't see any self-improvement as harmful. Mastering the logic, reading, and mental discipline for the LSAT is just another accomplishment that I can hopefully one day say I achieved.

    Hope this helps!
  • LeoFiro8LeoFiro8 Alum Member
    244 karma
    A little venting always helps... But don't give up! I've had people specifically tell me I'm not capable of doing it and should give up but didn't and now doing better than ever!
  • GraceloverGracelover Alum Member
    440 karma
    Definitely do not give up! I was ready to give up a couple of months ago and I am glad I didn't, because I have actually made progress since then? Can you believe it? I would not have...but improvement really is possible! Keep at it! You can do it!
  • cnguye15cnguye15 Member
    edited August 2014 64 karma
    I am on the same boat. Diagnostic two years ago 132, took a prep course, got 150 but then gave up. Two years later, I took diagnostic again, 162 for the free online LSAC (- 8 LR, -7 LG, -5 RC. Next test 161 and 158. The last one score LG (-10) and (-13) LR (-6)
    Im working on LG and LR and stopped taking test after my 158. Its been 3 weeks since i started. LR is still in the same spot. My average now miss for LR is about -10 or -12 for both sections timed after 10 LRs sections. Even if I blind review, the best is like -9. I don't know why i miss more questions the first half usually from 1-14. RC average is -7, which is worse from the diagnostic (-5). I tried speed reading and highlighting as some suggestions here, and ended up missing more question.
    I really wanna hit 170 and above because I only aim top 5 especially Uchicago. I have strong LORs from uchicago law professors, as I've finished my MA in political science there. I spend about 30 hours/week studying, but make no progress. Does it mean that I hit my peak? Any useful advice, please? I am totally desperate now. Does anyone wanna study in group? It may help? Private tutoring? Thanks
  • miriruchertmiriruchert Alum Member
    180 karma
    I felt like giving up SO many times. At least as many times as I felt stupid. Studying for this test is the hardest I have attempted, and I am raising 4 kids, so that says it all…DONT GIVE UP! You can do it! I know it. The most difficult about this test is the mental endurance you need to build up. Its important to be confident enough. And when you have that flight or fight response so unwelcome to us (can't punch the question ;-) then remember to breathe deeply and move on when calm….we can do this, right?
  • Nilesh SNilesh S Alum Inactive ⭐
    3438 karma
    Yep you'll be fine... lots of tests conditional lawgic and plenty of blind review is the way to go ;)
  • SoCal JaporeanSoCal Japorean Free Trial Member
    147 karma
    Yeah, Hang in there, all you need is a short break to let everything sink in.
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