Looking for ideas

So far I'm finding (no surprise) that waking up around 7-8AM, having a quick fulfilling breakfast (oatmeal, fruit, tea), doing a quick workout (30 mins or so) does wonders to my whole day not just the studying portion. Taking a shower at night before bed also really helps me because I'm able to sleep better and I'm not wasting too much time in the morning getting ready.
5:00: wake up
5:30 am get up (because let's be honest)
5:45: run
6:45: shower, dress, etc
7:30: breakfast, coffee, relax 8:30: PT, BR, or LR/RC drills depending on the day's schedule
Noon (or when PT finished): lunch, tea, relax
2:00: LG drills, foolproofing & review and/or BRing depending on the day
6:00: (or when finished, whichever comes first) eat, relax, whatever.
10:00: go to sleep
This is a tough schedule for me. I have alarms set on my phone to help keep me on schedule. I'm a night owl by nature, but the test is in the morning so I want to optimize my routine for test day. Come September I'll be adhering to this really strictly.
The early bird may get the worm, but the night owl's diet consists of insects, spiders, frogs, lizards, small birds, mice, rats, moles, squirrels, rabbits, and even skunks.
I use it mainly/primarily for LR and LG. The first half of the curriculum I repeated twice and for the flashcards/quizzes I repeated them until I got 100%.
For LG I am using Cambridge LG (grouped by type from 1-38) and fool proofing games I get 1 question wrong or under 7-8 minutes.
RC, I am at the stage where I am drilling. So I am drilling untimed once my accuracy is 100% I will move to timed drilling..
So I have heard you can buy the LR/RC/LG in book form on Amazon from preptests 1-20 and 21-40.
Hope that helps!!
One more book I saw by Cambridge is called the "Drilling Companion." Has anyone bought this?
Seems it has all the q's sorted from PTs 1-77, the SuperPrep I & II tests, etc. But I'm guessing that the actual questions are not there (268 pages total) and understood that having all the questions one place was one of the big advantages of the original drill packets. Does anyone think this companion is or would be a useful reference?
Tuesday 5-6 LR Drill during the entire day. I try to break them up, so I can fully concentrate and understand thoroughly every single question.
Wednesday - Additional 1 hour LR plus I go back to main curriculum so I can go over the fundamental explanations again. Evening 2 hours LGames + 2 Hours Rcomp explanations and doing fool-proof guide
Thursday - Continue 1 hour on LG + 1 hour RC. Evening take timed Second test.
Apply same method as Monday till Sunday.
Totally, I study about 5-6 hours. Its very important to study smart and understand why wrong questions are wrong.
I just looked at Amazon and those prices are insane. I think people are just increasing the prices because they know that there is a demand for it and limited supply. I looked on PowerScore's website and you can purchase LR from 21-40 for $118 which is much cheaper but still expensive (I think I paid around $80 for all the LR by type, I don't remember though), and they have two volumes of RC passage books that are considerably cheaper ~$34.
Hope that helps!
I think @christine.trg is referring to the books on PowerScores website where you can get LR and RC materials in book form for a much cheaper rate than the exorbitant prices on Amazon and not the PowerScore self help books.
For my prep (this is if you are at the beginning of your prep: I did some self help books with LG, I started with the Bible and Nova, for RC I did the Manhattan RC guide and am contemplating the Trainer (but I've heard mixed things in regards to RC and I like the system I have) and for LR/LG 7 Sage.
I really needed to work on LR and RC so I spent the majority of my prep there with some LG prep. I'm towards the end of the curriculum now and hope to be moving into the PT stage soon.
That said, I highly recommend spending as much time as possible with the curriculum to ensure you completely understand the material before moving forward in your prep.
8:00 - Wake up, get out of bed
8:15 - Eat breakfast, drink coffee or take caffeine tab
8:30 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday): Hit the gym
9:45: Start studying
8:30 (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday): Start studying
9:00 P.M Stop studying, watch some TV or do something to unwind.
I also drink a ton of water throughout the day, take small breaks here and there, and eat when hunger strikes.
then light run, then I focus on the curriculum here, I also do early tests before the 30s to drill I try and do a full game section and LR section and recently got in the habit of RC as well,I felt like I would do really well in that sections, I was wrong lol. then work from 830-6 then videos and drills till 8 then jiujitsu then I finish my night with some relaxing RC to bring the ZZZZsss.
once I finish the content i'll start PTing and my goal is to do two a week. one sat and one wed already took wed mornings off from work and then i'll blind review in the pm. Oh and for motivation I watch Suits and wish I was like Mike Ross and could take the Lsats and pick what grade I wanted to get.
7:00 -- Get ready for work
8:00 - 12:00 -- Work
12:00 - 1:00 -- Lunch break -- do whatever drill/review is on my list for the day
1:00 - 4:30 -- Work
4:30 - 6:00 - Try and relax, make some dinner, unwind
6:00 - 10:00 - Accomplish whatever is on my list for studying
Saturday -- PT
Sunday -- BR
I have to admit, though, I tend to study quite a bit during work as well. I think that's doing more damage than good, though, since it feels less productive. Just going through the motions, if you will.
Now, I PT on Saturday, do a THOROUGH BR of every section, and I'm working through the LG bundle on 1-3 nights a week. I also work out 5 days a week, so I'm juggling that with studying and it's pretty hectic at times.
cup so that I don't crash too hard...
5:30 am -wake, oatmeal, banana, coffee
6-8:00 am Gym (making sure to jog 20 min)
8:30am-2pm Study -L.G. currently, while finishing up BR and reviewing sections I really screwed up on..whatever needs to be done..
2pm-4- Break time. Eat. Catch some Pokemon.
4-8:30pm- 2nd Study session
9:00 Get Ready for bed, shower, clean
9:30- meditate 10 minutes, journal entry for the day, prayer.
9:45-10 LIGHTS OUT!
I also teamed up with a few 7Sagers who keep me motivated. We exchange LR questions to each other throughout the day, question-of-the-day style, which is pretty cool because having to explain it to someone works WONDERS for improving.
I think the journaling and meditating really make a huge difference... When I do a PT, I try to do it at 8:30 at the site I'm taking the LSAT... I also journal right before PTing and write down all my reservations about my own abilities, worries, anxieties, etc. It really helps clear the mind and serves as a pep-talk before diving into the test to boost my confidence. This test is truly psychological and its important to go in with a confident state of mind!!
Reading the discussions boards has actually been very helpful.
LOL sorry to reply 4 months later my love!
here's my advice:
Awww, I love you back and it's no problem...You are forgiven. ❤❤❤
6am - wake up
6:15 - 8am - study
9 - 5 - work (I study during any spare moments at work, sometimes up to 2 hours)
5:15 - 6:45pm - work out/relax with a hobby/eat dinner/catch up on the rest of life
7 - 10:30/11pm - study
sometimes I skip the work out/relax part and just go right to dinner and then studying. Fridays are always completely off.