SO I just took Section 1 LR of the Feb 1993 LSAT to help me drill and practice studying. I am going to blind review it this evening and then score it.
First does anyone know where I can watch videos of explanations? I know we are fortunate to have the Game review here... but not LR. The Question stems appeared different & I think I might have misinterpreted some.
Second, I used the proctor app with moderate distractions. I was distracted. SO I am going to continue to use the app with distractions to help me train for that... but please please please give me advice on how you train for that. Every time that guy "yawned" I wanted to hit him.

I was like dude did you NOT sleep last night we have the LSAT today. ha! So any tips there would be greatly appreciated.
Finally, I know I have read that the tests have changed since 1993, which is why I am using these tests for my lunch time training,just wanted to make sure that was correct. I don't think I did as well as I would have liked in this stage, but I know and felt better than I did on my diagnostic test so that is major improvement.
Thanks guys, I really don't know how I could do this without you
I’m sure there are explanations for early questions out there, but I say take this as an opportunity to really up your BR Game. Work problem questions to breakthrough. If you can’t get there, go back to the relevant lessons in the curriculum then return. Beat the shit out of this PT.
Or I’m sure google will direct you to either Velocity or Graeme or whatever his name is. Not sure if they’ve got the early ones or not, but that’s probably your best bet if you come across one that you can’t beat.
Oh, and yeah, there are some weird things that happen in early LR questions, so don’t let anything bother you too much just because it’s odd.
Ok that does make me feel better about the early questions... I was like what the heck I know JY did not cover this... but again after I blind review tonight I will go back and review & double check.
The coffee shop is an interesting idea. My house is really chaotic, and i have a friend that is always watching 20 kids and I have debated spending a couple of PTs there... but my concern is the kiddos coming and asking questions from "aunt Jen" hahaha. That being said... I do know I need to practice in a distraction environment cause it is obviously going to be an issue so I am glad I realized this today July 20th vs Sept 20... 4 days before the test.
I will say I feel better already about logical reasoning than I did a couple of months ago when I started. So the 7sage program works that is for sure. I will be pretty much done with reading comprehension soon & then games next. I am starting to feel comfortable & really believe I can do this... but there are times I just get so frustrated. Which I know everyone experiences.
Thanks for the tips.