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T shirt

Luis89011Luis89011 Alum Member
edited August 2014 in General 48 karma
If 7 sage came out with a T shirt , i'd buy it. Just sayn.


  • turnercmturnercm Alum Member 🍌
    770 karma
    preferably one with some JY quotes???
  • joegotbored-1joegotbored-1 Alum Member
    802 karma
    "Ya, there you go."
    "Ok, that's nice, but so what?"
    "Oldest trick in the book."
  • ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
    3658 karma
    Hahahah. You forgot the best one:

    "If you never watched Dragonball in your youth, you missed out on some good shit."
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    edited August 2014 12637 karma
    Oh jeez @joegotbored-1 and @Al [^-^d], thanks for the laughs.

    I'll pass this on to J.Y. and Alan. :)
  • GraceloverGracelover Alum Member
    440 karma
    This question is so easy, because it's so cookie-cutter...
    Classic, classic sufficient-necessesity confusion flaw...
    And? So what does this have to do with our argument?
    What?...How did they....? This is such a terrible argument!
    You see the gap here? I hope you see the gap, because it's so obvious....
  • David WayneDavid Wayne Free Trial Member
    571 karma
    Shut up and take my money.
  • YY MMMM.YY MMMM. Alum Member
    73 karma
    I guess I would get one too!
    I would wear it and hang out with 7Sagers!
  • cole.w.murdochcole.w.murdoch Alum Member
    228 karma
    I'd 100% buy one with JY quotes on it.
    Gracelover said some of my favourites,
    "What?...How did they....? This is such a terrible argument!
    You see the gap here? I hope you see the gap, because it's so obvious...."
  • SFlorida93SFlorida93 Alum Member
    96 karma
    "I suppose."

  • LeoFiro8LeoFiro8 Alum Member
    edited August 2014 244 karma
    "Who Cares?!"
    and after explaining an argument,very quietly,
    "You see..."

  • chrijani7chrijani7 Alum Member
    827 karma
    I'd buy one! Definitely need to have one with an argument or some kind of question with "Who cares?!?" next to answer choices or something. I don't know. But I do know that J.Y's voice sits creepily the back of mind when I am writing tests telling me "Who cares" for each incorrect answer choice!
  • ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
    3658 karma
    Someone needs to do a meme of JY, stat.
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14246 karma
    Alright, we'll see what we can do!
  • AliasIncAliasInc Alum Member
    18 karma
    There you go.
  • turnercmturnercm Alum Member 🍌
    770 karma

    (on an unrelated note, idk when they added JY as a proctor to the app, but its the only voice i use now)
  • ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
    3658 karma
    I use the Batman proctor voice. :)
  • turnercmturnercm Alum Member 🍌
    edited August 2014 770 karma
  • Allison MAllison M Alum Member Inactive Sage
    810 karma
  • ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
    3658 karma
    Shhh Allison... no one's suppose to know Bruce is Batman!

  • LouieRodriguezLouieRodriguez Free Trial Member
    82 karma
    I'd buy one for sure. Some heavy diagramming would be cool on the back.

    The 7sage logo on the front. Maybe have a pocket too.

    I wonder if LSAC would have a problem with someone wearing a shirt that had all sorts of rules written on it while they were taking the exam. hahah
  • rasaluja1rasaluja1 Alum Member
    57 karma
    "You might as well be talking about how much your cat likes to drink milk."
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