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How long did you spend going through the core curriculum?

AlexAlex Alum Member
in General 23929 karma
I know this question is going to be contingent on every person's learning ability, obligations outside the LSAT, and several other factors.

I just wanted to get an idea of how long people generally spend going through the CC of the 7Sage program?

Ideally, if the LSAT is your only main responsibility, and you would like to aim for December administration (Will absolutely reschedule if I feel I am not ready), what is a good amount of time to aim for? The automated study schedule is awesome, but if I schedule it to finish in December then it gives me way less than I can handle. So what is a realistic and doable date to set the CC to complete. I am probably going to upgrade when I can afford to get test explanations, so I am just talking about the CC lessons....

Again, I get millage may vary for folks, but I would feel much more comfortable having a little more guidance on this... I can always adjust it should I fall behind or need some extra time with a question type.

I usually try to put in 4-5 hours/day M-F and 6-8 hours on Saturday. Sundays off completely.

Thanks in advanced!


  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    1762 karma
    Hey, lots of trial and error, but it took me 4 months while working full-time to finish the core curriculum alone because I did all of the drills. If I could do it again id, save some. Another 3 months to take a few pts and find out my weaknesses (alot of weaknesses), another 2 months to foolproof games, another 2 months to add in lr review with The Trainer and cycle games. One pt and deeeeeeeeep br about once a week. I don't take another pt until I feel like im ready. I don't know when i'll finish, but im seeing progress.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @nanchito I hear you man. Lots of trail and error for LSAT prep. I remember hearing @"Nicole Hopkins" webinar when she talked about searching for "Silver bullets" Once I heard that, I signed up for 7Sage starter package that night. I knew it was going to take long-hard work to see improvement to the 170s. I also cancelled my September LSAT date that had been haunting me and switched to December.

    I think it is better to take it slow and really do a good job. I just feel like I have no idea where to set my end goal for the CC schedule. I work from home, and I only work from 6 to noon most days, leaving me all the time I need for prep. So I'm really struggling to set a provisional goal when to finish it by. I could sit here all day watching the lessons and be finished in 6 weeks, but I'm not sure that is best... Hmmm

    And don't sigh, for you're seeing progress. And that is ALWAYS a positive thing to be happy about. I am still trying to drill the poison from TLS that was instilled in my brain: Basically 3-4 months prep is what is normal and if you take longer you're an idiot... Can't think like that!

    Also, I had wished I could have a do-over to do my prep again. And that is why I signed up for 7Sage. Powerscore/Manhattan was helpful, but I wasn't seeing the improvement because the books are balkanized by section and sure enough, I'd see improvement with games, then lose any headway I made on LR. I like 7Sage because it works it all in--as does The LSAT Trainer.

    Slow and steady, you got this man!
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    edited July 2016 11542 karma
    Basically 3-4 months prep is what is normal and if you take longer you're an idiot...
    LMAO. The best part is the person saying this most likely took more than 4 months to get a decent score but keeps the myth alive out of peer pressure.
  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    2086 karma
    I believe it took me 4 months to complete the core curriculum. Mind you, I was taking notes (if I could do it over again, I would not take extensive notes) and doing 2-3 of the problem sets for each question type.
    Take as long as you need. Many people on here ask, "how long should I spend on the curriculum?" and attempt to complete it in the "average" amount of time. This can be detrimental. The curriculum isn't here simply for you to complete. It's offered as a learning tool - if you're not learning while going through it, you're not doing it right.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @montaha.rizeq HAHA! Yeah, I think that is most of the time that is 100% the case. And it messed with my head for weeks when I began prepping. After a month when I wasn't 1/4 of the way done, I felt so hopeless... Ugh. So glad I found this place.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited July 2016 23929 karma
    @MrSamIam ..That makes a lot of sense. Thank you. So basically just go through it at a pace I am comfortable with and make sure I'm learning. That sounds like a plan!
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    I'm glad you found 7sage too :)

    @MrSamIam why do you think taking extensive notes wasn't worth it?
  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    edited July 2016 2086 karma
    @"The Talented Mr. Divine" said:
    @MrSamIam..That makes a lot of sense. Thank you. So basically just go through it at a pace I am comfortable with and make sure I'm learning. That sounds like a plan!

    You got it, bud. That's exactly what you should do. Learn from the curriculum. As you're going through it, do problem sets so that you can determine whether or not you truly understood the skills taught during a lesson and how to implement them.
    If that fails, hop on to the forums and ask for guidance, we're all more than happy to help!

    @montaha.rizeq Notes work incredibly well for knowledge-based exams, where the goal is to memorize the material. For a skills-based test, not so much. The goal on the LSAT is to learn the skills, and implement them. To give you an idea, I have an entire 500 page notebook filled with LSAT notes. Over the last year, I have never referred back to those notes. Instead, I go back to the curriculum and rewatch the videos as needed.
    If I could go back, I would limit my notes to short "tags" - for instance, "refer back to MP lesson, video one for helpful hints on finding conclusion for all question types"
  • KaterynaKateryna Alum Member
    984 karma
    i am in 55% and going my 3 months now. i am, however, doing all practice tests available for ultimate + member. i also did an additional diagnostic when I was 50% through curriculum.
    i also take notes on theoretical part taught by Ping.
  • leejayleeleejaylee Alum Member
    218 karma
    Took me 5 almost 6 months. Maybe 2-3 hours each day? More on the weekends.
  • ay_fegetaboutitay_fegetaboutit Alum Member
    116 karma
    Took me 2 months. I watched on 1.2x speed & probably should have spent more time on BR
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    Thanks for all the help and replies guys and gals! It is so very much appreciated! I'm thinking it is going to take me at least until the end of September to properly go through the CC. I'm going to drill 25 or so LR questions after every lesson. Then I'm going to really make sure my games are -0, because those are points I don't want to leave on the table. So I'm going to fool-proof method the hell out of games from PT 1-35 and review the sections after PTs/BR for 36-77. Once I'm done with the CC at the end of September, I am going to use The LSAT Trainer to shore up any weaknesses.
  • YesSarahYesSarah Alum Member
    137 karma
    I started July 1st and am hoping to finish this weekend - so basically a month. I'm working 40 hrs a week this summer but I'm putting in all my extra time studying the 7sage CC. It's not taking as long for me though because I went through the PS bibles a couple months ago.

    It helps if you watch videos on 1.2-1.4X!
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @MrSamIam said:
    To give you an idea, I have an entire 500 page notebook filled with LSAT notes. Over the last year, I have never referred back to those notes. Instead, I go back to the curriculum and rewatch the videos as needed.
    If I could go back, I would limit my notes to short "tags" - for instance, "refer back to MP lesson, video one for helpful hints on finding conclusion for all question types"
    Ah thanks for this! I'll keep it in mind :)
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @"The Talented Mr. Divine" said:
    I am going to use The LSAT Trainer to shore up any weaknesses.
    Smart move. You'll find the trainer compliments many 7sage material, so no worries in that dept.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @YesSarah A month! Damn girl, you killing it! :) Anyways, as long as you learned and instilled the important things, that is great! I also sometimes watch the video explanations in 1.2x myself, it is funny to here J.Y. talk even faster... lol. I feel like J.Y. is a buddy of mine now...

    Are you planning on taking in September?
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @montaha.rizeq Thanks! That is really great because I skimmed the first 100 pages of The LSAT Trainer and really enjoyed Mike Kim's approach on the lsat in general.
  • YesSarahYesSarah Alum Member
    137 karma
    @"The Talented Mr. Divine" Yes! Retaking in September. Good luck to you in December!
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @YesSarah Awesome! I am confident you shall kill it! So good luck, even though you won't need it. And thank you! I will need it, haha. If I really am not ready I will postpone until Feb/June :)
  • tofuspeedstartofuspeedstar Alum Member
    139 karma
    This is my full time job, so I went through it in about 2 1/2 months. But I'm sure as PT/BR shows more weaknesses I will be returning to those specific lessons to reinforce.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @tofuspeedstar Yeah, 2.5 months sounds more reasonable and I think that is more or less where I am setting a provisional goal to finish. Setting my custom 7Sage schedule to that gives me like 25 hours a week to do, which sounds a lot more doable.

    How are you scoring on LR after finishing the CC? I am really trying to get my LR score down to -2 or better per section.

  • tofuspeedstartofuspeedstar Alum Member
    139 karma
    @"Alex Divine" I BR'd my PT59 yesterday and went -8 in both sections. I think my diagnostic I was -14/-15 respectively. Just careless mistakes that i need to button up before the exam.
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