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Commencement of the Application Process

kieferlight92kieferlight92 Alum Member
edited August 2014 in General 10 karma
I am taking the LSAT in September and really banking on getting a high score. Both semesters freshman year I received sub 3.0 GPA's (2.7 and 2.3), but ever since I have received above a 3.9 in much more difficult courses. Therefore, a high LSAT will further legitimize my progress from freshman year and show that my overall GPA is not truly reflective of me as a student, which is about 3.45 now. I have heard that you can send in an application early, and once you receive your LSAT score can quickly add it. Would it be detrimental to send my application early to some of my more prospective schools or should I wait to start the application process after I receive my score if I believe it will drastically improve my resume? Or will they see my GPA and have a weaker outlook towards me from the onset?


  • chase62442chase62442 Alum Member
    79 karma
    I don't know anything about this, but my instinct is that in your situation it would be better to send your application in once you have your lsat score. Your reasoning for doing that seems strong.
  • turnercmturnercm Alum Member 🍌
    770 karma
    Definitely agree with @chase62442. Law schools aren't going to look at your application without an LSAT score. You'll be safe applying as soon as you get it back.

    You also want to make sure its the score you want before you send in your applications. Waiting until you get your scores back a few weeks later still gives you plenty of time to be ahead of the game, since application numbers are down (and have been for a while)
  • Nilesh SNilesh S Alum Inactive ⭐
    3438 karma
    Yeah you should wait for your score... and I got the sense from your post that you are a little worried about your grades, don't be overly concerned about your GPA... the LSAT is at least as important if not more... and law schools know that things can happen so unless you have decided that its HYS or bust , you don't have anything to be concerned about. Ace the test and get your due... all the best.
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