So I'm looking into getting the Ultimate + package eventually when I am done reading through The LSAT Trainer that I was recommended. I see the Ultimate + has the most problem sets.
My question is how many of the problem sets should I do while going through the actual lessons and how many should I save for when I am doing practice exams?
I looked at some previous threads that talk about this, but couldn't find a clear answer. What exactly is recommended by J.Y or the Sages?
Thank you. So you are saying I should go through the lessons the first time and do 2-3 problem sets (15 or so questions) and then save the rest to drill as I PT?
Do you also recommend that I go through the lessons more than once? That would take quite a bit of time.... ?
What is your target score and when are you hoping to test? I'd guess at least 90% of folks start out with a really unrealistic timeline. I know this is getting a little off topic, but you mentioned time and that's a really important element to all this.
Also, how do you recommend I dill PTs 1-35? Timed section basically? Then go back and attack my weaknesses by rematching the entire lesson and doing more problem sets? Is that right
Target score in a 170. I was hoping to test in December, but @"Alex Divine" and many other talked me into waiting until I am ready. So no deadline per say but I would like to take the test and apply next cycle f that makes sense.
I haven't gotten to drilling sections yet, so I will let CantGetRight answer you on that one. He is much further along in his prep than I. I'm planning on using 1-35 to drill sections and by question type once I'm done with the core curriculum. I guess how I do it will depend on what my weaknesses are at that point.
Feel Comfortable with the Material ---> Don't do any more problem sets.
So if you feel comfortable after 1 problem set, that's all you do. If you don't, you do another. If you get past three, I'd recommend starting over and rewatching the lessons so you're not just spinning your wheels and wasting problem sets. So I'm actually a big advocate of untimed drills. Pacing is really an advanced area, and while you're learning the material I think it's really easy to develop a lot of bad habits. Think of it like a race. When runners train, they don't change the distance they run based on how much ground they can cover in a set amount of time. They cover the preset distance and then record the time. The goal is to keep improving speed and endurance until the distance they need to cover is falling within their goal time. This is how I like to drill, and it's been the method I have found most productive. Use a stopwatch to keep time, but not a timer to tell you when to stop. It's not a Blind Review, so don't take two hours. I'm sure most runners could cover a marathon in 24 hours, but it wouldn't really be good training. Find a good, natural pace that you can manage and see where that puts you. If it's 45 minutes, that's okay because you're training. Identify what you need to improve in order to decrease your time. Then improve it. I also recommend recording your drills. That gives you great material to use in identifying your weak spots. Maybe you think you're really good at Weaken questions. You always get them right, and analytics says you're great. Then you see in the footage that, yeah, you get them right but you spend an average of 3 minutes on them. Turns out, you actually kind of suck at weaken questions. That is information you need, and it's very difficult to get that information without the footage.
And glad to hear you're committing to your score and not your test date. Telling law schools, "yeah but I took it last June instead of next February," doesn't tend to count for much.
Not very.
I originally had the starter course and was about a quarter of the way through with the CC. Then I got Ult + a few weeks ago and decided to postpone and start from the beginning again. When I was planning on taking in December, I was rushing through the starter course and not really absorbing a lot of the lessons. Hence my reason for starting from the get-go again.
Now that I have restarted the course with the Ult+, I believe I am about 15-20% done with the CC. I'm not certain though because I don't do all the problem sets immediately after the lessons.
Do you think it is best to go through the curriculum from the start? Or do you skip around?
Im also curious what LSAT score you're trying to get?
also, what's the best way of using LG bundles?
Here's my rule of thumb: Unless I can utilize J.Y.s methods for said question type, and see how the skills operate to get me to the right answer choice and to help me eliminate the 4 wrong ones, I need to do more problem sets.
As I was going through the curriculum, I did 1 easy, 1 medium, and 1 difficult set. The rest remained untouched until I started the PT/BR stage, which I now use to determine if I should drill a certain question type.