I read an article about a study that claimed the genre of music you listen to affects your intelligence. Then I read another article about a more recent study that claimed that the genre of music you listen to does not affect your intelligence. Regardless of which one of these studies is true I was curios to know what you guys listen to in general or before a practice test. And do you think it affects your test-taking skills?
When I was practicing logic games I was listening to Fabolous' Gettho Fabolous album but am not sure if it helped. Logical Reasoning was damn near impossible to understand while listening to music.
i don't like listening to music while studying because lyrics tend to distract me; i stop paying attention to what i read and instead try and listen/sing/dance along to the words. usually, though, i study in coffee shops to get used to distractions/be among like-minded individuals/get out of my house.
outside of studying, i'm trying to trade listening to music for listening to podcasts, like The Economist or RadioLab, because i really could use the extra Reading Comprehension help lol
the day of the test i'll probably have some fantastic playlist of pumped-up, confidence boosting music, like Eye of the Tiger, or my workout playlist.
EDIT: I've also heard listening to classical music is the best for studying!