How might I obtain the LSAT Prep Test #43 by Tuesday? While there are a couple on Amazon, they all will arrive past Wednesday. I was hoping to purchase the test and have it arrive Tuesday... so I can join the BR group Wednesday evening.
Hey @"Jennifer N". Great question. But you might not have to worry about that one at least this time around. The BR group this Wednesday is going to be doing PT 78 instead of PT 43. Just to make sure I have this right, we can ask @"Cant Get Right" to help us confirm that.
Okay great! I have purchased 78... and it's scheduled to arrive on Tuesday.
Another question... 78 will be my 2nd prep test to do. I have heard the more recent the test, the harder the test. As 78 was given in June 2016... I would assume that it would be the hardest test or harder than most. I am torn whether I complete 78 now and join the BR group review... or wait until I've gone through a couple other earlier tests and save 78 until I'm closer to September. Thoughts?
@"Jennifer N" , I know we've already discussed the issues central to the lecture on committing to a score not a date, and that your particular circumstances kind of make it moot. That being said, I'm still really uncomfortable with you taking in September, lol. So, it's kinda an Argo situation:
So I would probably hold off on 78, along with most of the other 70's series tests. The more recent tests are not inherently any more difficult, it's all the exact same material. Any differences between earlier/later tests are almost entirely superficial. So, PTs do get progressively, but only very marginally, more valuable the higher you go; and benefitting from exposure to those slight nuances really does kind of require a fairly advanced level. So I'd, focus on the big picture nuts and bolts for now and save those more advanced strategies for your retake in December when you are better situated to benefit from them.
@"Jennifer N" I think you can actually withdraw the day before, there just won't be even a partial refund. 8/30 is the last day to withdraw with a partial refund.
Another question... 78 will be my 2nd prep test to do. I have heard the more recent the test, the harder the test. As 78 was given in June 2016... I would assume that it would be the hardest test or harder than most. I am torn whether I complete 78 now and join the BR group review... or wait until I've gone through a couple other earlier tests and save 78 until I'm closer to September. Thoughts?
So I would probably hold off on 78, along with most of the other 70's series tests. The more recent tests are not inherently any more difficult, it's all the exact same material. Any differences between earlier/later tests are almost entirely superficial. So, PTs do get progressively, but only very marginally, more valuable the higher you go; and benefitting from exposure to those slight nuances really does kind of require a fairly advanced level. So I'd, focus on the big picture nuts and bolts for now and save those more advanced strategies for your retake in December when you are better situated to benefit from them.