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Pride Aside, Doing it right this time!

SteFunny-1-1-1SteFunny-1-1-1 Core Member
in General 224 karma
This may be more of a therapeutic post than an informative one but maybe it will help some who are in the same boat! =)

I initially registered to take the February 2016 LSAT. I was a full time college student and thought a few months and I would absolutely be ready to take on this beast. Little did I know how much of a beast this exam actually is. As the test date approached I realized how unprepared I was and decided to postpone until June. With all the excitement of graduation and finishing the last hurdle of my final semester, I was again unprepared for the June exam and postponed AGAIN until September. Here it is, now the end of August and I have been back at work full time since graduation and have not dedicated nearly enough time to this. I thought about postponing again until December but reading a few posts on here and finally waking up, I decided to cancel my September exam and I will not be registering for the exam until I feel absolutely ready! (June 2017 is my secret, not so secret anymore, goal though, hehe).

This was a difficult decision to make for me. I put restrictions on myself such as "By the time I am 30 I want to be........" And have finally realized how unnecessary and detrimental that is. Putting off law school for another year and a half, two years is scary but I want to give myself the best chance possible and that's what we all need to do...allow ourselves the best chance to reach our max potential regardless of how long it may take. We are worth that!

So here I am, end of August, not registered for the LSAT, re-starting the 7Sage course and feeling thrilled about it. =)


  • amipp_93amipp_93 Alum Member
    585 karma
    Go you!!! This is so nice to see. Super proud of you for making that decision. All the best and get that 181 :)
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    edited August 2016 11542 karma
    Boss status! You're on the same boat as me, after two horrible attempts at the LSAT, I wanted to take it for the last time this coming December but I'd much rather take it when I'm ready and my secret date is either June or Sept of 2017 hehe :) let's do this!!!!
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27891 karma
    Good call! The opportunities a strong LSAT score can create for you are enormous. It is a determinant factor on the trajectory the rest of your life takes, so really, what's a year? Not much.
  • SteFunny-1-1-1SteFunny-1-1-1 Core Member
    224 karma
    @amipp170 Thank you! =)

    @montaha.rizeq We got this! I'll be here to support you every step of the way as we work to tackle this!

    @"Cant Get Right" That is a great point...a year is minuscule in comparison to the rest of your life haha.

    Thanks for the support and encouragement everyone! It truly means a great deal!
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @SVICTORIA said:
    We got this! I'll be here to support you every step of the way as we work to tackle this!
    Likewise my friend. Likewise.
  • ppoliakoff12ppoliakoff12 Alum Member
    4 karma
    So ultimately what you're saying is that after using 7sage, you felt incredibly unprepared for the lsat exam? Makes sense seeing as how no one from this site ever clarifies any discrepancies I have regarding material taught.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @ppoliakoff12 said:
    Makes sense seeing as how no one from this site ever clarifies any discrepancies I have regarding material taught.
    I see you've made no discussion posts nor have you commented on the forum besides this instance. Are you referring to comments on the lessons? If so, can you point out some issues you're having with the material? hopefully we can help out :)
  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma
    @ppoliakoff12 I am really sorry to hear that. That's really surprising because I have had a completely different experience from 7sage. I have found the community incredibly supportive, and have found people to go above and beyond to help me. I have found the material and the advice on this forum to be really valuable as well.

    I am not sure what questions you had. But have you tried posting it on the discussion forum? I tried seeing what questions you had asked previously and I didn't see anything you had posted earlier. You'll be surprised how many people will answer questions when they are posted on the discussion board. Also, I really recommend supplementing the course with the webinars that are available on 7 sage. They are incredibly helpful. In addition, I think I learned the most when I started attending the BR meeting that is conducted twice a week. I learned not only where I was going wrong but I saw how the high scorers approached a question. :)

    I don't know comprehensively about other courses, but a lot of my friends took Powerscore course, and right now I am scoring about 8 points higher than them. While in school I took a blueprint online course as well, and my highest score on a PT was a 160; and I felt that after a while I had run out of things that they were saying that I could improve upon. But since May, I have started scoring between a 165-169. I know it's not a lot, but I think its harder to make that jump from a 160 to a 168- and the advice I got from 7 sagers has been instrumental in that.

    I really hope you get your questions answered. Studying for LSAT can be so frustrating sometimes. <3
  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    1762 karma
    @SVICTORIA good luck with everything. There is no liner path to success but we are here to help every step of the way.
  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    1762 karma
    @ppoliakoff12 perhaps you can make a separate post discussing your difficulties so we can try to help.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @SVICTORIA said:

    So here I am, end of August, not registered for the LSAT, re-starting the 7Sage course and feeling thrilled about it. =)
    Great call on deciding not to register at all until you are ready.... Probably the best call one can make regarding the LSAT. And like @Cantgetright says, the LSAT can and will determine in many ways the trajectory of the rest of your life...So exactly, what is another year, or two even? Nothing in the grand scheme of things.

    I made the same decision and I am so excited myself to do this thing right!
    It is not an easy decision to make, but what great decisions ever are?

    :) Good Luck
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @ppoliakoff12 said:
    So ultimately what you're saying is that after using 7sage, you felt incredibly unprepared for the lsat exam? Makes sense seeing as how no one from this site ever clarifies any discrepancies I have regarding material taught.
    What in tarnation!? Discrepancies? No one clarifying!? :(

    Like @montaha.rizeq and @nanchito said, you should make a post and ask for help. I think this forum is the most helpful vis-a-vis the LSAT on the internet, ever, in history! When I was starting off I had tons of questions (you can see from my post history) and my questions were answered in great detail.

    We are totally here to help! :)
  • edited August 2016 524 karma
    I also made this decision. I started studying in January 2016 thinking that I could definitely take it in June. Then June rolled around, so I thought I'd get my act together for September. Now it's almost September, and December just doesn't feel right either, so I'm going to postpone until June 2017. I feel like I'm only now starting to see what it takes to get a great score and I want more time with that knowledge to maximize on it. If you get any why-would-you-do-that-this-isn't-a-test-you-can-study-for looks or conversations, tell them to come talk to me because I've had plenty of those conversations working at a prosecutor's office and I've gotten really good at the I'm-gonna-do-my-own-thing-and-get-a-180-now-go-away stare.

    You'll do great! I can't wait to hear about how well you did on the test 10 months from now. :-)
  • SteFunny-1-1-1SteFunny-1-1-1 Core Member
    224 karma
    @"Alex Divine" It feels fabulous to not have a date looming over your head. Now I feel I can take the time I need with the lessons and not rush through. =)

    @ppoliakoff12 I am most certainly not saying that at all. 7Sage is an amazing program with a very helpful and encouraging community. The reason I was unprepared is due to my inconsistency with studying. I am sure if you have any questions you can post them and they will be answered. Like I said, this community is wonderful! :)

  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    @ppoliakoff12 said:
    Makes sense seeing as how no one from this site ever clarifies any discrepancies I have regarding material taught.
    Post your questions on the discussion forums if you're not getting replies to your questions. It's a lot more difficult to see new questions under the lessons than it is on the forums.
  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    1762 karma

    @"Lauren L" this.....
  • frayelizabethfrayelizabeth Alum Member
    32 karma
    @SVICTORIA Thank you for this. I'm taking the same approach- I know I can crush this, and I'll take as much time as I need to do it. One more year is really nothing compared to the rest of my life.
    BUT. I feel like there is always a reason that I'm distracted or less diligent than I should be (graduation, new job, family, etc. etc.). I guess a small part of me is worried that I'm going to drag this on indefinitely, chasing the 180.

    How do you balance not having a hard deadline, and staying focused and moving forward?

  • BreakthelsatBreakthelsat Member
    82 karma
    @Motivated said:
    I have found the community incredibly supportive,
    Totally agree with you. I have been working with 7sage for less than a week now and I have gotten a reply back to every single comment I have made. I am hooked.
  • @nanchito said:

    @"Lauren L" this.....
    Nailed it.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @ro.oza said:
    Totally agree with you. I have been working with 7sage for less than a week now and I have gotten a reply back to every single comment I have made. I am hooked.
    :) That is how I got hooked!
    @SVICTORIA said:
    It feels fabulous to not have a date looming over your head. Now I feel I can take the time I need with the lessons and not rush through. =)
    Doesn't it? I think that is one of the biggest advantages of postponing. The stress of a looming date over my head was making me rush through lessons and giving me trouble with focusing. It feels so great to know I have the time I need now!
  • adisadeliovskyadisadeliovsky Free Trial Member
    11 karma
    Do not fret! I have been down the exact same path. Last year I studied for 3 months on a terrible prep book... wasted enormous amounts of time and was completely unprepared for the october 2015 exam. Postponed to december - was in full time school and was working and volunteering therefore I simply had no time to continue my LSAT studies. Fast foward a year later, I was suppose to write in September, but I've been working two jobs this summer, one being full time and will not be ready for the September LSAT. I've had to put law school 2017 dreams on hold, but it is worth the wait.

    I cannot stress enough: DO NOT WRITE UNLESS YOU ARE READY.
    you have three tries, but top schools like to see you nailing it on one try (so i've heard)

    Take your time, it is worth the wait!
  • SteFunny-1-1-1SteFunny-1-1-1 Core Member
    224 karma
    @frayelizabeth I struggle with the exact same thing. I recently got promoted at work so my focus went there. Graduated this year, my focus went there. Summer started and friends and family throwing parties, my focus went there. I am easily distracted and that has been a problem for me.

    The approach I am taking now is to start off slow and give myself realistic goals that work for me (balancing work full time and taking care of other responsibilities). What I mean by starting off slow is setting aside 4 days a week, at least 2 to 3 hours in those days and dedicate that time to the 7Sage course. Eventually when I get into a good routine, I will up the amount of days and hours slowly. This is the beauty of not having a set date looming over your head. I look at it similar to how I view diet and exercise, jumping full on into a diet and vigorous workout routine will only last so long, it's starting off with small changes first and eventually making more and more little changes that will keep you going and give you a better chance at success.

    It also helps to be excited about it. Yes this is a HUGE deal but don't forget to have fun with it. Come to these forums often because there is always friendly entertainment. =)

    If you need any advice, need to vent or want to share a victory moment, don't hesitate to contact me =)
  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    2573 karma
    @SVICTORIA this is exactly what I did! It was the best decision I could've made. Just don't let the fact that you have no set date allow you to be lazy. Not saying this is your issue but at times it is certainly mine. Still. Life happens and you have to take breaks but make sure you stick to some sort of plan or schedule.
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