I was wondering what thoughts or ideas you guys and gals have on prepping during the last week before the actual LSAT. Should I do more prep tests and blind review them slowly, just do timed sections? Would like to hear some strategies or ideas you have.
I would also stray away from new material or at least drill sparingly with it.
I'm totally synced mentally and physically for test day. Waking up at the right time every day. Going to bed at the right time every day. Eating the same things. Drinking the same things. Running the same distance at the same time. Everything. Test day will just be another day.
As far as study strategy goes, I think that could be different for everyone. I'm doing a few RC drills and LGs. The LGs don't even feel like studying any more, they've just replaced crossword puzzles/sudokus. I think the main thing is to keep it light.