Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Really random question... - 7Sage Forum

Really random question...

I was just wondering if it's possible to apply to different law schools with different LSAT scores? For example, hypothetically, can i apply to a school with a 160 for example early in the application process because i know a 160 will be good enough BUT then apply later in the application process with a 170 score to a different school? I'm asking to see if i can apply to my back up schools with a lower score early in the process to make sure i get in and receive scholarships while still having the chance to apply to the better schools later on in the application process if i improve my LSAT score.


  • KaterynaKateryna Alum Member
    984 karma
    once you get 170 law schools will see both scores and consider the highest. i believe all law schools will get an update once you get your second score. but sure, you can apply to schools with 160, though the scholarship amount may not be as high as with 170
  • desire2learndesire2learn Member
    1171 karma
    Seems like if you score higher you will be able to get in just fine. I guess this MIGHT apply if you take the Feb. LSAT but idk. As long as you are applying before Feb. I don't think this would really make that much sense and EVEN THEN I'm not sure it would make that much sense.
  • 308 karma
    @desire2learn That's what I'm asking for. Since i decided to postpone my test to december in an attempt to increase my score by about 3-5 points, I'm wondering if i can already apply to my back up schools with the december score and if the december score isn't good enough for my first choice, i can still apply and then use my february score for the first choice school. does that make sense? i might be doing a poor job of explaining what I'm trying to ask but i think i explained it this time. Let me know if it makes sense haha.
  • desire2learndesire2learn Member
    1171 karma
    It seems like it should be fine. I guess the easiest thing to do would be to nail the Dec LSAT. Simple enough (said the guy who is peeing his pants about this weekends LSAT).
  • 308 karma
    @desire2learn haha trust me man, thats definitely the plan. I would much rather get it right the first time and not have to retake in February. I was initially planning on taking it this weekend but i feel like my average is a few points off my target score so the extra 2-3 months can help me get to where i need to be. So i just wanted to make sure i can apply to my backups with my december score to make sure i get in and get scholarships, etc... while still taking another test in february to try to improve my score for my top schools.

    You're gonna do fine man. All the work has been put in already, now its just time to go perform for one last time and get this over with. Good luck to you!
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