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December 2016 BR Group

mike2533mike2533 Alum Member
Hey guys,

I just signed up with 7Sage a few weeks ago and am currently going through the curriculum (should be on track to finish early August). Surfing through past BR group discussions, it seems like a good idea to get an early start on organizing a BR group. I'm aiming to take the LSAT in December. Anyone else interested in getting the ball rolling on a December 2016 BR group?



  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    I'm aiming for December but Feb is looking pretty hot right now haha.
  • lenelson2lenelson2 Member
    523 karma
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    Hey Michael!
    So glad you are a part of 7Sage and working through the curriculum. While you may see many people posting to be a part of the Sept. BR group, they just want to be tagged for message reminders for the upcoming BR calls.

    7Sage has created an evolving BR schedule to allow anyone wherever they are in PT prep to participate in the sessions. Personally, I am not dedicated to a specific test date until I know that I am ready to score within my optimum range:)

    A great piece of advice shared by past high scorers is to familiarize yourself with different eras as the LSAT has evolved as you start the PT phase. While the test itself hasn't changed requiring understanding the fundamentals, there are shifts in emphasis and nuances that are better seen earlier than later in your PT prep.

    @Mike2494, @montahar @lenelson2 Whenever you start the PT phase, jump into the BR calls. Everyone works at a different pace and has outside obligations that impacts their schedules. The most important thing about these calls, there are people with varying levels of expertise and we all learn from each other no matter what score band we are in:)

    If you find that the schedule is not a good fit, get in touch with @"Cant Get Right" and he will do what he can to make sure the Dec group is represented!

    Look forward to seeing you:)

    Link to full schedule:
  • lenelson2lenelson2 Member
    523 karma
    Thanks @twssmith! I appreciate your detailed response. See you on a call soon!
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    @lenelson2 Look forward to seeing you too!
  • Dark Knight VDark Knight V Member
    194 karma
    @twssmith what happens in the time period after the September exam? Does it make sense to start a new BR group for those who are taking in Dec, or does the existing one just morph into a new schedule? I'm planning to jump on a couple of the calls before the Sep. exam but will be doing PTs past that as I prepare for the December exam as well.
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28059 karma
    Thanks for jumping in and clarifying @twssmith .

    There were actually a lot of issues with designating study groups for specific test dates, so we've just got an ongoing rotation now. Everyone is free to join regardless of their stage in prep or what their target test date is. Hope to see y'all there!
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @"Cant Get Right" said:
    Everyone is free to join regardless of their stage in prep
    Do you see benefit in joining if you aren't in the PT phase yet though lol
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28059 karma
    @montaha.rizeq said:
    Do you see benefit in joining if you aren't in the PT phase yet though lol
  • dennisgerrarddennisgerrard Member
    1644 karma
    here we go!
  • J. TharpJ. Tharp Alum Member
    575 karma
    @"Cant Get Right" when will the BR group start back up?
  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8723 karma
    Hey everyone, I have been at things with the LSAT for about 11 months and am all in with shooting for a December or February take. I'm getting married in 10 days so I haven't had any real time to study for the past 3-4 days. As soon as these busy next 2.5 weeks are behind me I will be on all the calls! Count me in!
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28059 karma
    @"J. Tharp" , the first meeting back was yesterday:)
  • SeriousbirdSeriousbird Alum Member
    1278 karma
    @"Cant Get Right" can I be added to the BR group? I was supposed to take the test in September but going through the cc slowly took longer than I expected, so I decided to not do September.

    @David3389 Congrats on your wedding!! Hope it's awesome.
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28059 karma
    Of course @sweetsecret . Just keep an eye out in the forums. The upcoming meeting should be among the first couple of threads from the top.
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    @David3389 said:
    I'm getting married in 10 days
    Wow, grats! Pics please :D
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