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Overcoming plateau

MarinaaaMarinaaa Alum Member
edited September 2016 in General 18 karma
Hi guys,

So I've been studying on an off since last summer. I took the exam in February but deep down inside I knew that I was unprepared. This time around I've been studying a lot more. Bought books, took a prep course, and took a ton of PT's but for some reason I still cant raise my score. I know how to approach every type of problem when attack the questions one by one but for some reason I have trouble doing that when I am taking a full PT. Every PT I take i plateau at 148. When I BR'd or took a timed section Individually I went up as high as 164. Any tips on how to break through the plateau? Im taking my exam in December! thanks!


  • desire2learndesire2learn Member
    1171 karma
    Do everything that the 7sage Core Curriculum recommends. From the Foolproof Method to Diagramming to Skipping Strategies to Logic Game setups and inferences. If your gap between BR and actual is that big it sounds like timing strategies need to be improved a lot. There are some great 7sage webinars on skipping and prep for 173+ and several others that you should check out.
  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    I also think that taking untimed sections is a really underutilized studying strategy. Taking a ton of PTs after going through the lessons forces you to both (1) apply lessons and (2) apply them fast - in trying to tackle both, most people fail to perfect 1 or the other. I would suggest taking some untimed sections of LR, LG, and RC to hone your reasoning skills and then add the timed constraint when you're accuracy is at or above 90%.
  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    2086 karma
    You MUST figure out what your weaknesses are. Given your initial scores (~148) I would have to say you lack an understanding of the fundamentals. If you're consistently scoring in the 140-150 range, you need to stop wasting your PTs. Focus on learning the LSAT, then focus on conquering (PT/BR) it.
  • MarinaaaMarinaaa Alum Member
    18 karma
    Ok I will finish the 7sage curriculum then before I take PT's! Thank you so much!!
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    I'll second all the advice above.

    Go through the 7Sage curriculum and treat it like a college class you know you're going to have a final for. Take notes, re-watch lessons you do not 100% understand, and do the problem sets. Memorize the things JY recommends (Conditional translations, valid/invalid argument forms, 19 common flaws, etc)

    Also, I think consistency, good habits, and discipline are the MOST important things for LSAT prep. Set time aside every single day for prep and prep at the same time. I wake up extra early and do 2 hours before work and 2-4 hours after work, 6 days a week. It is a sacrifice worth making.

    Also, I would watch ever webinar 7Sage offers. Hearing other 170s scorers tell their tales really is a treasure trove of great advice and inspiration -- we gotta stay motivated!

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