For me at least, rule of thumb is to skip them if they're overly long and then go back to them if I have time. But that's because I'm not as good at these questions so I'd rather not take time away from others I'd be more likely to get correct. But I think more than 2 to 3 minutes for one question is when you need to move on and come back to it if you have time.
@julsent2 Parallel Method questions usually involve easy to understand logic, and if you can the logic of the stimulus argument then you can be ruthless with answer choices and eliminate them quickly. I would say if you got your logic down and do not read very slowly, these questions should not normally take more than 90 seconds.
It depends. Sometimes, these questions take 50 seconds (especially if the stimulus matches one of valid argument forms Sometimes, they can take up to 3 minutes because the abstract form of the argument isn’t cookie cutter. Because of that variability, most students skip them on the first round unless they match those valid argument forms.