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Which Preptests for Ultimate+ Problem Sets?

Cecilia ZCecilia Z Member
in General 144 karma
Hey guys!

I'm on the Main Point and Main Conclusion Problem Set 1, and the first question is from Preptest 21. But according to the pinned post here , it says that for Ultimate+ I only would need PT 36-77. So do I really need all of the PTs to do all the homeworks? I'm just confused about what materials I need, especially because I like having all the questions in hard copy to practice with. Will this happen again in future homeworks as well? What should I do? :/

Thanks so much!!


  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    edited October 2016 11542 karma
    Hi :D
    @zhouci said:
    it says that for Ultimate+ I only would need PT 36-77.
    That's correct - this is for when you begin the PT phase of your studies! It's recommended to keep these PTs for that time because the more current ones are closer to what you'll see on game day. PTs 35 and lower are good for drills, and that's why you see a drill question from PT 21. When you drill, you can use the silent videos to answer the question or you can print it out - whichever works for you.

    TL;DR - 36-77 (or current) are when you start PTing. 35 and below are for drilling which are given in the form of silent video.
  • Cecilia ZCecilia Z Member
    144 karma
    @montaha.rizeq said:
    When you drill, you can use the silent videos to answer the question or you can print it out - whichever works for you.
    Hey! :)

    Awesome, thanks for the reply! I've been using the silent videos so far, but I was hoping to have them in hard copy/printed out-- is there any way to go about doing that without having to screenshot each videoscreen individually? I'm on a Mac and whenever I screenshot things they go to my desktop, and then Microsoft Word only allows me to import one image at a time to the document... :/ pretty time consuming to say the least... how do you go about managing these drills?
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    edited October 2016 11542 karma
    @zhouci said:
    I'm on a Mac and whenever I screenshot things they go to my desktop, and then Microsoft Word only allows me to import one image at a time to the document..
    Lol, I do exactly this. When I know I have a lot of problem sets to complete, I start forming them into my word doc the night before and print them in the morning at my Uni so I'm good to go when it's time to drill. Besides doing this to save time, your best bet is to just use the silent video. I believe @desire2learn does this with no issue :)

    Also I guess you can just get the prep tests for it! But the issue I foresee with that is having to lug around so many PTs just for a few questions lol, we never win :P
  • desire2learndesire2learn Member
    1171 karma
    I got a shout out from @montaha.rizeq ! Yeah, I did all of the drilling on LR questions with the silent videos and I thought it prepared me just fine.
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