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Motivation Anyone?

I wrote my first LSAT test today for the first time since my last write in October 2015. I've been studying 7Sage since the beginning of September 2016. Scored a 152 before blind review and a 159 after blind review. I write the real thing again December 3rd. Can anyone offer any words of encouragement because I feel like there just isn't enough time :(


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @sacul123 said:
    Can anyone offer any words of encouragement because I feel like there just isn't enough time :(
    If you feel like there isn't enough time, postpone. The best advice I was ever given and now always give is to not sit for the LSAT until your practice test average is your score goal. I understand this means you may have to sit out a cycle, and that is fine. One, it will give you ample time to prepare properly. Two, it will provide you with some time to get work experience or do volunteer work.

    In the scheme of things, a year is nothing. Especially when you consider you'll most likely work as an lawyer after law school for the next 25+ years and when you factor in how a higher LSAT score can affect everything from school you attend, debt you take on, and jobs you can get afterwards!

    Some words of encouragement I have would be to realize that this test can be really tough, but I promise if you put in the work, no score is out of reach. Something that always gives me motivation when I'm feeling down is watching one of the webinars in which Sages (those who scored 170+) talk about their experiences.

    Also, the LSAT is actually a really special test because YOU can always take it whenever you are ready. I just always imagine how awesome undergrad would have been if I could have taken tests whenever I was ready. Some I would have taken right away and others I would have been so grateful to have the extra time to study.

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    edited October 2016 10801 karma
    @"Alex Divine" said:
    If you feel like there isn't enough time, postpone. The best advice I was ever given and now always give is to not sit for the LSAT until your practice test average is your score goal.
    Couldn't agree with this more.

    Also, where you are right now other sages have been there as well. When they stood where you are standing, sad because of a low score just like you are right now, they chose to not settle for that low score and test date. They chose to keep studying till they felt ready for the test :)

    I understand how hard it is to see a low test score but the important thing to realize is that this is your journey to a great LSAT score and an amazing law school and a pretty cool career. All that's standing between you and that amazing life is your ability to not give up. <3 <3 So keep going :)
  • EmmaWI88EmmaWI88 Alum Member
    213 karma
    I think best advice @Sami gave somewhere in these discussions is not to focus too much on your score. Take it as a gift to learn from. It's so much better to have a low score now to learn from than go into the test without having those weaknesses exposed and addressed.

    As someone who is also looking to Dec for the test, I am keeping Feb in the back of my mind. Yeah, I'd like to be in school by next fall but a year in the grand scheme of things isn't much. Also, since life expectancy keeps rising, you'll have AMPLE time to be a lawyer :)
  • bjphillips5bjphillips5 Alum Member
    1137 karma
    I also just want you to know that post-curriculum my first LSAT PT score was a 153 and I got a 167 on the Sept LSAT. While not my target score, you should have a ton of confidence that you'll be able to score highly if you give yourself enough time and study smart (AKA listen to 7Sage and mentors/sages). :)
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