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Thanks 7sage!

I took the LSAT after self studying with some popular study aids and didnt do as well as I hoped. I vowed to do better the second time around and signed up with your program. After studying for 4 months, I took the LSAT again and my score went up 8 points! I also met a great person in the discussions forum that would trade personal statements with me. I critiqued hers and she did the same for me. Finally, I sent out my applications. I applied to 15 schools, got rejected to two, waitlisted 3, and the rest not only accepted me, but offered me scholly money.I m almost done with my first semester! I'm not at Yale or Harvard, but I'm in a great school and I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you guys and that girl that helped me with my personal statement. Thanks again.


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