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Time management for 7Sage lessons

chrono1012chrono1012 Member
in General 27 karma
Hi guys,

I'm about 2 weeks into the 7Sage curriculum and was wondering about time management and efficiency while studying. It's been taking me quite a bit longer to complete each lesson than the time estimated on the schedule, perhaps 1.25X - 1.5X the estimated time. I've been taking notes, taking the practice problems seriously, reviewing concepts that are unfamiliar, etc., which helps with learning, but it also adds to the time to complete each lesson. Is it fairly common in the community for studying to take longer than the estimated time to complete a lesson? Should I focus becoming more efficient and speed up my the studying to move along with the pace of the lessons or should I accept that learning takes time and simply budget more time?

Thanks for the help!


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @montalbano.oliver said:
    Should I focus becoming more efficient and speed up my the studying to move along with the pace of the lessons or should I accept that learning takes time and simply budget more time?

    Thanks for the help!
    I think the latter. You should just go slow and steady and keep doing what you are doing. I think taking notes and making sure you fully understand everything in a lesson before moving on is imperative to doing well on this test. I am going through the CC a second time myself and doing so very slowly and deliberately. And while this does seem to take a lot of time, I can assure you that it is worth it.

    Keep up the good work!
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28059 karma
    Yeah, if you don't take your time and really absorb the information now, you'll have to spend that time later anyway when you find yourself constantly returning because you don't understand. Sounds to me like you're doing it right.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    I think your current routine is working in your favor and many people underestimate the value in truly taking time with the curriculum before jumping into PTs. It will make studying longer, but it will certainly allow it to be more efficient. Quality > Quantity.
  • meaganknuthmeaganknuth Alum Member
    28 karma
    I'm just starting my curriculum too, (this is the end of week 2) and I agree with the others. I am trying to stick with the Study Schedule here but I am a bit behind because I'm working full-time. I do try to listen to the video lessons or even work on older PT sections when it's slow at work.

    But if you look at the last few weeks of the study schedule, they are purely devoted to PTs. I've taken the 2007 PT as well as another on my own, and I don't anticipate using a whole week per PT. I think it will even out just fine if you go into the weeks devoted for PTs still studying the curriculum. IMHO.
  • chrono1012chrono1012 Member
    27 karma
    Awesome, thanks for all the advice!
  • tams2018tams2018 Member
    732 karma
    I am still in the Intro to Logic lesson which should have been completed back in October. So don't feel bad. If you rushed everything, you would only be wasting PTs when it comes to testing as you wouldn't have the core foundations down.
  • wildernesswilderness Alum Member
    133 karma
    I think that it honestly depends person to person. You should proceed at the pace that allows you to move quickest while simultaneously comprehending information. Moving quickly with zero comprehension is WAY worse in my opinion than moving slower with full comprehension. As a point of reference, I finished the 7sage curriculum in four weeks of intensive studying (109 hours minus the prep tests). But I also have no commitments currently and have made 7sage my life, so take that however you will.
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