I read somewhere (TLS I think) that it was suggested to put your LSAC# on your resume for applications - is this a good idea? Would I just include it in my header? I could just delete my phone number and include my LSAC # instead.
I know I need a header with name, LSAC#, and title of essay for all the application essays, but I hadn't even thought of putting it on my resume. I hope it's not too big of a deal considering I have already submitted quite a few.
Any ideas either way?
And I believe the resume is so insignificant compared to the other components of the application that I wouldn't worry if you'd already sent some without it on there. I think it'd have to be an extreme circumstance where the lack of an LSAC number on a resume was the difference maker.
Plus, as far as I can recall, most places want a typical 'professional' resume. I wouldn't put my LSAC number on an ordinary professional resume. So in the absence of any information telling me otherwise I'd (personally) be inclined not to bother.