I took the June test which was a terrible mistake. I scored a 146 because I was very foolish and studied for 3 weeks. The LSAT is a beast and I had no idea what I was up against. It was a humbling experience to say the least. Anyways, after the test I signed up for the Powerscore class...incredibly expensive...it finished and a few weeks ago I was scoring in the mid 150's. It is ok, I guess. I found 7sage only 3 weeks ago and its amazing how much I have learned in very little time (now scoring high 150's/low 160's). Things are just finally starting to click. Concepts I have been confused on for months with Powerscore. I decided I am going to withdraw from tomorrow's test and take it in December. In the last few days my score has gone up a few points because of 7sage...why not wait 2 more months with the chance for it to go up a few more points, or at least make sure my highest scores now are solid and reliable.
Here is the problem....between the Powerscore course this summer, the 'studying' for June's test and just on my own, I have burned through most of the recent PT's. With all the courses I have paid for I virtually have almost every practice test....but the most recent ones I have already taken. I am not sure how I should continue studying until December. I am using the scheduler on this site and I just want to jump ahead because Im not starting from a fresh place of no studying. I want to keep up with doing a PT once or twice a week but the scheduler doesn't have PT's start for at least a few weeks. Should I just rely on all the PTs from the mid 2000's? Should I wait weeks and just use the few (maybe 2) recent ones I still have left? Should I say screw it and redo tests as if they were new? Really upset I burned through so many.
Any opinions would be really appreciated! Thanks guys!
Thanks again for the video!
Thank you for that link! I am downloading the PTS on there now. Thank you!!!!