I took the curve data from PowerScore from the past few years (
https://www.powerscore.com/lsat/help/correct_targeted.cfm) and used it to "predict" how tough each of the June, Sept/Oct, and Dec LSATs* are. The more questions you can miss to get a 170 the tougher the exam. Here were the results (in order of toughness) with the average, median, and mode number of misses for a 170:
1. December (A: -12, Me.: -12 , Mo.: -14)
2. September/October (-11, -11.5, -12)
3. June (-10.5, -10, -10)
If you want to see the spreadsheet take a look here (
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1R50NrcEHESugADTvR1Xz4MmyMlJpp9oU3GtYP7vRq5Y/edit?usp=sharing). Scroll to the bottom or see sheet 2 for summary chart.
Good luck to my fellow December takers! And for anyone who hasn't signed up yet, maybe take the June exam.

*PowerScore doesn't have February data.
P.S. Thanks, OP for crunching the numbers together. For those taking the Dec test, please don't let this freak you out. The LSAC are sticklers for standardizing almost everything. There's a reason why a curve exists.
The LSAC uses a statistical process called "test equating" to account for the differences in difficulty between test administrations. How they reliably discern the difficulty is from studying the data from experimental sections from past administrations. In other words, every question that will be on the December 2016 exam will have already appeared on previous tests' experimental sections.
In other words, don't sweat the test Monday. It will likely be as hard/easy as you're used to. Or as you said, "It won't matter."
Good luck!