As part of my LSAT preparation, I am taking sporadic prep tests to gauge my strengths, weaknesses, and overall progress/improvement. If any of you do the same (take sporadic prep tests while studying), how frequently do you take them? Do you take them randomly or whenever you feel like it? Do you take them after a certain amount of time since your last prep test?
Aidan N.
Once you have a good grasp of the fundamentals of each section, move on to your PT phase. One a week is generally what people will recommend. You want to make sure you are utilizing PTs in the right way. That means taking them timed in testing conditions. Then, doing a thorough blind review afterwards, and taking the proper amount of time to drill and address weaknesses that the PT has revealed to you. Taking them sporadically is generally not the right way though. Even saying one per week is arbitrary. If you take a PT and find you need tons of work on PSA/SA questions, it might take you the next week just to return to your prep materials to review and drill those questions until you address your problem with them. There's no point in taking PTs if you have weaknesses you know you need to work on. PTs are finite and so is your time, so use both of them wisely. However, one a week seems to be, on average, a good sweet spot to start at.
Start taking practice tests when you feel that you have all of the fundamentals down.
I took 2 or 3 per week...usually 2.
If, after BRing a test, you feel that you're lacking in terms of the fundamentals, stop PTing...start drilling and reviewing lessons. When you feel "solid" again, start PTing.
Would you mind clarifying what "PSA/SA questions" are and what "BRing a test" is?
Check out these videos from youtube. It's JY going over the BR method
JY is the 7sage instructor. I first learned about him by his LG videos. The BR videos are what sold me on the course.