First of all, congratulations to everyone who took the December 2016 LSAT..for taking it alone you are so brave and I admire you all so much. So many people got the score they deserved (for those in this category Yay!!) and some didn't (for those in this category, you are not a
failure or
dumb or
stupid), so please do not beat yourself up...the good news is you can retake and improve vastly from your last score.
You are all entitiled to take a break, even if it is just for a day...and when you return, this community will still and always be here for you.
My break recommendation:
1) Eat lots of chocolate (who can ever go wrong with chocolate)
2) Drink lots of wine or whatever drink you prefer
3) Sleep (Catch up on all the lost hours of sleep)
4) Binge watch a show (All those shows you put aside till after the LSAT..this is the time)
5) Go outside and breathe in clean air, and just take a walk
6) Read books (Nothing LSAT related...for just one day at least)
7) Do something that makes you happy (If it's LSAT the second best thing that makes you happy)
8) Play (video) games or whatever game you are into
Just take some time off to recharge, and when you think you are in a better place...return to the tackle the LSAT with a stronger zeal and a peace of mind. This journey is not an easy one, but there will come a time when you become that attorney you've always wanted to be and the LSAT will be a thing of the past. Once again, congratulations to every single one of you...I'm so encouraged and proud of this community
Also helps with dementors. This is a great list. I'm not even having to stress over the LSAT, but I think I'm going to do all of this over the next week.