[Webinar] Last-Minute Application Questions: Tuesday, January 10th @ 9pm EST

David BusisDavid Busis Member Moderator
edited January 2017 in Webinars 7478 karma


On Tuesday, January 10th, at 9 p.m. EST, I’ll answer all your last-minute application questions. Still trying to figure out your diversity statement? Can’t decide whether you should send a “Why X” essay? Wondering whether to contact the admissions department about the slip-up? In the mood to feel schadenfreude about other people’s catastrophes? Come on over.

Post your questions below in as much detail as possible. I’ll answer written questions first, then move on to your live questions.

Webinar: Last-Minute Application Questions, Tuesday at 9 p.m. EST

Tue, Jan 10, 2017 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM EST

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.


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United States +1 (571) 317-3122

Access Code: 141-587-037

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  • desire2learndesire2learn Member
    1171 karma
    Just wanted to say thanks for all your wonderful help on 7sage. You are awesome!
  • alir-111111alir-111111 Alum Member
    11 karma
    So I was planning to start law school fall 2016 but did not due to LSAT score. Should I use those same letters and essay submitted a year ago on my LSAC account? will the school know when I uploaded essay and letters? If yes, does that matter?

    Basically, should i get new letters of recommendation and essay or not. Thanks so much!
  • calculatedcalculated Alum Member
    edited February 2017 36 karma
  • etphonehomeetphonehome Alum Member
    edited January 2017 48 karma
    I have been in the fashion industry as a buyer for the last 8 years. At 27 I decided to go back to school to become a lawyer so I worked fulltime and went to school fulltime. I attended community college, then university, and just recently graduated. I have a question regarding LOR's and also taking the February LSAT. Since I was in and out of school to get to work on time, I only bonded (closely) with one teacher at the community college who loves me, and one TA at the university. I'm getting one LOR from the teacher at the community college who has been teaching poli sci for 20+ years and another from the TA. The TA asked if she should have the professor who taught the class sign the letter as well. Should she have the professor sign it too or does that look weird? Or should I just have my boss of 8 years write one instead of the TA? Lastly, the dean of admissions at the school I'm looking to attend recommended that I apply in January so that my application will be looked at before all of the February applicants who will submit after the LSAT. What if I don't feel good about my score after the test and they already have my application? This would be my first LSAT and although I feel good about my practice tests, I'm not sure how I'll do on test day. I have major test anxiety. Should I apply in Jan and cancel the test if I don't feel good about it, or should I just not apply in January and wait until I take the test to apply? If I don't feel good about it I can just not apply and retake it for the next cycle. Basically I don't want them to get a bad score and deny me if I can just sit this out another cycle, which I really don't want to do since I already did, but will if I have to. If my question did not make sense I will elaborate further. Thank you so much.
  • h_herronh_herron Member
    4 karma
    If the application calls for a resume, what should I include/exclude? What should I focus on? Are there any particular skills I should emphasize on?

  • Sad_BearSad_Bear Free Trial Member
    edited January 2017 3 karma
    I finished undergrad almost 5 years ago and my professional work experience is much more impressive than my academic record. Is it okay for my resume to focus on my more recent professional endeavors, or do admissions officers really expect to see a more academic-focused resume?

  • 5 karma
    At what point should you write an addendum to address a substantial increase in LSAT score from Sept 2016 to Dec 2016 score? 6 points? 10 points? And if there is no good reason (medical emergency, family death, etc.), besides focusing on better self care, is it even worth addressing?

    Additionally, although schools may not report your lower LSAT score for data/ranking purposes, it is still included in your application for all eyes to see (and judge). How much can this affect your application's competitiveness?
  • steve.herring1steve.herring1 Alum Member
    edited January 2017 40 karma
    I'm curious to know what slight adjustments are recommended for the 'older' applicant. EX: Do I even mention High School & College accomplishments that I'd assume are standard for a 22 yo going straight from undergrad. I'm 34, but I was an Eagle Scout, Boy's State Delegate, Student Body President back in the day and assume many candidates would include this in lieu of professional accomplishments yet attained. Cheers
  • AUDREYRAE001AUDREYRAE001 Free Trial Member
    2 karma
    Who would you recommend proof read personal statements (what resources are available)? I've been out of school for 5 years; should I contact a counselor at the university I attended or seek out other options?
  • steve.herring1steve.herring1 Alum Member
    40 karma
    Regarding LOR for the 'older' student and I see there is another here. After meeting with admissions at my 1st choice, I was told it might be in my best interest to not get a professor but rather someone from my career. Your thoughts on if this makes sense as I have no former professors I'd even think of asking. I did some work with the local university professionally in recent years on an initiative and could potentially ask someone there who would never have taught me, but worked with me on a university project for about a year.
  • Creasey LSATCreasey LSAT Member
    423 karma
    One of the schools I am applying to accepts February scores and I am pretty sure I can get in without retaking the LSAT. However, would it be a good idea to submit my application now and take the Feb administration in hopes that I can have some more leverage negotiating for scholarship?
  • David BusisDavid Busis Member Moderator
    7478 karma
    @desire2learn I'm blushing.
    Thank YOU!
  • apublicdisplayapublicdisplay Alum Member
    696 karma
    Asked these two questions last time but could not attend. Would appreciate another response.

    In terms of waitlist etiquette, is it proper to send an email to the dean of admissions and all the admissions staff? Would calling or sending a letter be more appropriate?

    If you have work experience since high school working in a law-related position, say with the Office of the Public Defender, can you include it? If you have a lot of work experience, can your resume be more than one page in length?
  • chgunnschgunns Alum Member
    92 karma
    How can I negotiate in-state tuition or a scholarship from a neighboring state?

    Detailed situation below:

    I deferred admissions last fall at the in-state flagship where I currently work in secondary education. I received a small scholarship to a school that is ranked around 90, but the dominant network in the state I am 75-80% likely to practice. My December score only improved 3 points, but I am now nine points higher than their 75th, though below their 50th in GPA. However, I have a good story since undergrad and the ability to tell it well. I do not know if they will offer more with the marginal improvement.

    I was accepted early admissions last month to a neighboring flagship ranked around 35. They are the second strongest school in the state where I reside, physically closer to the city where I would most like to live than the in-state school, and obviously stronger in 49 other states. Due to a childhood move from current state, I lived there for public middle and high school, college (at a small religious school), and even my first job. None of my family currently lives there.

    My score is 2-3 points higher than their 75th, but GPA is right at their 25th. They claim "holistic admissions", and GPA minus one semester jumps substantially, plus I have heard it's much easier to find high GPA than high test admits.

    The better rated school's in-state tuition rate is actually a decent amount lower than the school which offered money last spring, so just getting to in-state in Year 1 would be a big help.
  • dtchanturiadtchanturia Alum Member
    2 karma
    I am starting out with LSAT's and can not find information about where to get started. Every book that I've opened starts directly with exercises and give no initial explanations. Even online courses offer "improve your score" so improve from where and what? One has to start from somewhere right? So I am looking for the "Somewhere" place where I need to start from scratch.
    Thank you.
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    @dtchanturia said:
    I am starting out with LSAT's and can not find information about where to get started. Every book that I've opened starts directly with exercises and give no initial explanations. Even online courses offer "improve your score" so improve from where and what? One has to start from somewhere right? So I am looking for the "Somewhere" place where I need to start from scratch.
    Thank you.
    Hey, this is for Admissions questions, not LSAT questions.

    7Sage is pretty great at starting you from the beginning. We have a 14-day money back guarantee too, so if you're interested in trying us out but are concerned it won't be what you need, you don't have to worry. Email me within 14 days for a refund.

    You can pick up a course here:

    Additionally, here's all of our free materials:
    Every logic game, ever, explained in video lessons: http://7sage.com/logic-game-explanations/
    LSAT prep test scorer and analyzer: http://7sage.com/score-lsat-test/
    LSAT proctors: http://7sage.com/free-lsat-prep-tools/
    LSAT discussion forum: http://7sage.com/discussion/
    Video explanations for every questions in the June 2007 Prep Test: http://7sage.com/lesson/preptest-june-2007-video-explanations-for-all-questions/ <-- you'll learn more from this than from major test prep company's $1,000+ courses.
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28068 karma
    Hey @dtchanturia , this is more of an LSAT prep question than admissions, so I'll jump in with a quick answer. Here is a link to a free test provided by LSAC: http://www.lsac.org/docs/default-source/jd-docs/sampleptjune.pdf . We use this test as our cold diagnostic. Print this out and take it under strict testing conditions. You can download the 7Sage app which has a test proctor. Whatever you score on this test is the score you'll be improving on.
  • Fin_de_SiecleFin_de_Siecle Free Trial Member
    20 karma
    If I did really bad on my December LSAT due to a physical condition (will address in addendum), i.e. in the very high 150s - very low 160s range, is there even a point submitting an application to top five schools even if I'm positive I can score in their reasonable range in February and they all agreed to wait and said that no final decision will be made until February score comes out?

    My concern is that since even if they can wait for a February score, my application will go through the whole review process (including faculty members for some schools, as we know, and they will not do it twice) before my February score comes out, with only a out-of-their-range low LSAT score on my file. I am not sure how much of a realistic difference can my February score even make once this review process is already done. With this in mind, would it be better to just apply next cycle (I'd rather not), even if after taking the February test I feel I scored within the required range?
  • David BusisDavid Busis Member Moderator
    7478 karma
    @AUDREYRAE001 you can purchase Admissions Premium for a proofread and/or critique: https://7sage.com/enroll-admissions/.
  • LSAT4234LSAT4234 Alum Member
    75 karma
    For the question, "Have you ever been subject to academic warning, probation or suspension at a school, college, university or other educational institution?" is that talking about academic related issues after high school? I was suspended in high school for uploading some pictures online. I tagged one guy's name in the pictures(like what people do on Facebook) and I didn't get his consent so his family threatened to sue the school if the school didn't punish me even though I took down pictures with him in it when he asked me to(or according to this student friends, the school punished me on their own because the student "didn't ask" the school to punish me). The school accused me of putting the student "in danger" which I thought was ridiculous because people tag other people in online pictures all the time. Most importantly, I did not get any criminal charges for this.

    With this context, would I have to disclose this?
  • LSATakerLSATaker Free Trial Member
    edited January 2017 250 karma
    When we write why X school essay, can we actually re-use most of the part and just change a few sentences according to school?

    If I am going to use the same test score, which is better, submit application right before the deadline or wait for another cycle? (not sure I can wait, though...)

    Would they keep my application for next cycle? What if I want to apply the same school when I get rejected this cycle?

    What if they do not list diversity statement? Can we still submit it or should we avoid it since it is additional pages for them to read?
    Will optional statement be diverse statement or can we write both optional statement and diversity statement?
  • full.moon.howler94full.moon.howler94 Alum Member
    83 karma
    I have a question similar to Fin_de_Siecle, (basically, if a school says it'll technically accept feb scores, but their online deadline is on the first of that month, what are the options), so i'll be tuning in to listen to that discussion. Thanks in advance for this opportunity!
  • CrushLSATCrushLSAT Member
    150 karma
    So I had to take 2 semesters off at the beginning of my 3rd year in university because I had suffered from severe eating disorder... Although I had recovered from it fully since then (and this gap year happened about 7 years ago) I am planning not to write an extra addendum unless schools specifically ask me to explain about any gap years in my education history (So far I have noticed that Cornell, Duke and NYU ask this).

    Would it be ok if I just say that I developed a medical ailment and decided to treat it during the 3rd year instead of talking about the details of the illness? I just don't wanna open a can of worms if I do not have to. I've been looking for some sample addenda explaining about gap year but haven't been successful as of yet... Any feedback on this would be much appreciated!

  • LSAT4234LSAT4234 Alum Member
    75 karma
    Question Bump(I was not able to attend the webinar)
    For the question, "Have you ever been subject to academic warning, probation or suspension at a school, college, university or other educational institution?" is that talking about academic related issues after high school? I was suspended in high school for uploading some pictures online. I tagged one guy's name in the pictures(like what people do on Facebook) and I didn't get his consent so his family threatened to sue the school if the school didn't punish me even though I took down pictures with him in it when he asked me to(or according to this student friends, the school punished me on their own because the student "didn't ask" the school to punish me). The school accused me of putting the student "in danger" which I thought was ridiculous because people tag other people in online pictures all the time. Most importantly, I did not get any criminal charges for this.

    With this context, would I have to disclose this? Do I have to disclose anything from high school if the infractions were not academic or criminal?
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